fur seal
uk/ˌfɜː ˈsiːl/us/ˌfɝː ˈsiːl/atypeofseal(= amammalthateatsfishandlivespartlyin thesea)withears,foundin thePacificandsouthernoceans, that has often beenhuntedforitsthickfur:
海狗In the Galapagos Islands,fursealswerehuntedalmosttoextinction.加拉帕戈斯群岛上的海狗被捕杀到几乎灭绝。

namibelephant/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Greatwhitesharkspreyon Algoa Bay'spenguinsandfurseals.
- Antarcticfursealscrowdedontoislandbeachestomateeachsummer.
- Withinhalfacenturyof Cook'svoyage,sealhunterskilledmore than a millionfurseals, at arateof about 250,000 ayearwhenhuntingpeakedaround 1822.
- ThecommercialharvestoffursealpeltsdroveAlaska'shistoryfor more than acentury.
- Thelocalfursealpopulationis indecline.
Marine mammals
- beluga
- cetacean
- dolphin
- dugong
- elephant seal
- grey seal
- harp seal
- humpback whale
- killer whale
- manatee
- minke whale
- monk seal
- narwhal
- orca
- porpoise
- sea cow
- sea lion
- sperm whale
- walrus
- whale