暴怒,狂怒He couldhardlycontainhis fury.他几乎克制不住自己的愤怒。
Sheflewinto a fury at thesuggestion.这个建议使她勃然大怒。
- angerHe vented his anger by kicking the door.
- annoyanceSmoke can cause annoyance by making clothes and hair smell unpleasant.
- irritationShe expressed irritation with her son's attitude.
- frustrationA lot of children's behaviour problems are caused by sheer frustration.
- furyThe speech provoked fury in some parts of the world.
- rageHe was filled with jealous rage when he saw his girlfriend talking to another man.
- He wasapoplecticwith fury.
- He wasblindwith fury.
- The fury of thecrowdwasdirectedtowards thepolice.
- Themountaineershad tofacethefullfury of theelements.
- Hisfacewascontortedwith fury.
Anger and displeasure
- acrimony
- anger
- animus
- annoyance
- bad feeling
- flap
- get the humpidiom
- gorge
- grit
- grityourteethidiom
- grudge
- hard feelingsidiom
- have a face like thunderidiom
- irritation
- red mist
- reprehension
- resentfulness
- resentment
- road rage
- slow burn
like fury