uk/fjuːz/us/fjuːz/fusenoun[C](SAFETY PART)
asmallsafetypartin anelectricaldeviceorpieceofmachinerythatcausesit tostopworkingif theelectriccurrentis too high, and sopreventsfiresor otherdangers:
保险丝My hairdryer'sstoppedworking- Ithinkthe fuse hasblown(=broken).我的吹风机坏了——我想可能是保险丝断了。
Have youtriedchangingthe fuse?你试没试过换根保险丝?

Jiradelta/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Electrical components & circuitry
- armature
- baseband chip
- cathode
- cathode ray
- charging point
- circuit breaker
- circuit diagram
- electromotive
- filament
- LED display
- neutral
- parallel
- potentiometer
- recharger
- rectifier
- relay
- short circuit
- storage battery
- supercapacitor
- transformer
astringorpieceofpaperconnectedto afireworkor otherexplosiveproductby which it islit, or adeviceinside abombthatcausesit toexplodeafter afixedlengthoftimeor when ithitsor is near something:
导火索;导火线引信;信管Helitthe fuse andran.他点燃了导火索后就跑了。

Steve Cicero/Corbis Documentary/GettyImages
- banger
- catherine wheel
- cracker
- firecracker
- firework
- fuze
- pyrotechnic
- pyrotechnician
- pyrotechnics
- rocket
- Roman candle
- sparkler
- squib
- touchpaper
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bombs & missiles
have a short fuse
uk/fjuːz/us/fjuːz/fuseverb[I or T](JOIN)
tojointogetherphysically, or tojointhings togetherphysically:
Genesdeterminehow wedevelopfrom themomentthespermfuses with theegg.从精子和卵子结合的那一刻起,基因就决定了我们会如何成长。
Thebonesof theskullare notproperlyfused atbirth.出生的时候头骨结合得并不紧密。
Fusing thevertebraetogetherseemedto be her onlyoption.
(ofideas,cultures,musicalstyles, etc.) tocombineor becombinedtogether :
In Istanbul,EastandWestfuse together in a way that isfascinatingtoobserve.在伊斯坦布尔,观察东西方的融合是件令人兴味盎然的事。
Hedevelopedasoundthat fusesjazz,funk,disco, andsoul.
- adisorderwherebythevertebraeof thespinebecomefused in afixed,rigidbamboo-likestructure
- The twocellsfuse into asinglecell.
- What'sremarkableabout herfilmis the way shesucceedsin fusing therealand thedreamlike.
- He has agiftfor fusingpragmatismandidealism.
- Anti-intellectualism and anti-rationalism have fused in aparticularlyinsidiousway.
Connecting and combining
- abut
- additive
- adjoin
- affix
- agglutinate
- aggregation
- desegregate
- desegregation
- dovetail
- eclectic
- eclectically
- hyphenate
- link(something)up
- linkage
- lumpsomeone/somethingtogether
- marriage
- marry
- weave
- weaving
- yoke
fuseverb[I or T](MELT)
tomeltor make two thingsmelttogether,especiallyat a hightemperature:
Theheatof thefirefused many of the machine'spartstogether.炽灼的大火把机器的很多部件都熔化在了一起。
- Theinspectorshavetestingequipmenttocheckon theweldsthat fuse thepipestogether.
- Encausticartis apaintingmethodthatfeaturescolorsinwaxthat are fused to asurfacewithhotirons.
- Thecolouredglassisheateduntil it fuses together.
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- evaporate
- evaporation
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- nuclear fission
- oxidize
- recondense
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- solidify
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Connecting and combining
fuseverb[I or T](STOP WORKING)
When anelectricaldeviceorpieceofmachineryfuses, or when someone or something fuses it, itstopsworkingbecause theelectriccurrentis too high:
(使)(因保险丝熔断而)停止工作Either myheadlightshave fused or thebulbshave gone.要么是车前灯的保险丝断了,要么是灯泡坏了。
Thekidsweremessingaround with theswitchesand they fused thelights.孩子们瞎捣鼓开关,结果把灯的保险丝烧断了。
Electrical components & circuitry
- armature
- baseband chip
- cathode
- cathode ray
- charging point
- circuit breaker
- circuit diagram
- electromotive
- filament
- LED display
- neutral
- parallel
- potentiometer
- recharger
- rectifier
- relay
- short circuit
- storage battery
- supercapacitor
- transformer
fuseverb[I or T](EXPLOSIVE)
[Tusually passive]
to put adeviceinside abombthatcausesit toexplodeafter afixedlengthoftimeor when ithitsor is near something:
Thesubmarinecarriesanexplosivechargefused todetonateonimpactwithitstarget.
TheydiscoveredaWorldWar II 250-pound fusedbomb.
- stocksofincendiaryandexplosivedevicesthat were fused andreadyfor use
- Abombis aprojectileor otherdevicecarryinganexplosivechargefused todetonateundercertainconditions.
Bombs & missiles
- anti-mine
- anti-missile
- anti-radar
- anti-satellite
- anti-ship
- enrich
- enrichment
- Exocet
- firebomb
- frag bomb
- Molotov cocktail
- mortar
- mushroom cloud
- napalm
- neutron bomb
- smoke bomb
- suicide belt
- suicide vest
- superbomb
- surface-to-air missile