uk/fʌs/us/fʌs/fussnoun(TOO MUCH OF A FEELING)
a show ofanger,worry, orexcitementthat isunnecessaryorgreaterthan thesituationdeserves:
紧张不安;大惊小怪;过分激动Shemade such afuss when Richardspilledadropofwineon herblouse!理查德将一滴酒溅在她的衬衫上,她好一阵大惊小怪。
It's all a fussabout nothing.这完全是无谓的大惊小怪。
I don'tseewhat thefussis about- heseemslike afairlyordinary-lookingguyto me.我看不出来为什么那么激动——在我看来他不过是一个长相普通的家伙。
Wetriedtoarrangeaceremonywith as little fuss aspossible.我们试图安排一个尽可能低调的仪式。
to say something is not right or satisfactory
- complainI hate to complain, but the film was terrible.
- grumbleShe's always grumbling about something.
- whineI hope you don't think I'm just whining.
- kvetchStop kvetching about it!
- make a fussIf the food doesn't come soon, I'm going to make a fuss.
- file a complaintI've filed a complaint with the police about the noise.
make a fuss ofsomeone
(mainlyUSmake a fuss over sb)
to give someone a lot ofattentionandtreatthem well:
对(某人)关怀备至;对(某人)体贴入微She doesn'tseehergrandchildrenvery often so she makes arealfuss of them when she does.她不怎么经常见到孙子们,所以见到时往往对他们非常宠爱。
- Ifeltsoashamedof myself for making such a fuss.
- Hekickedup atremendousfuss about having towait.
- I can'tthinkwhat's got into him. He doesn't usually make such a fuss.
- God, he's such adramaqueen! I've neverseensuch a fuss.
- Igrantthat it must have beenupsettingbutevenso Ithinkshe made abitof a fuss.
Anger and displeasure
- acrimony
- anger
- animus
- annoyance
- bad feeling
- flap
- get the humpidiom
- gorge
- grit
- grityourteethidiom
- grudge
- hard feelingsidiom
- have a face like thunderidiom
- irritation
- red mist
- reprehension
- resentfulness
- resentment
- road rage
- slow burn
attentiongiven tosmallmattersthat are notimportant:
(对小事的)焦虑,操心Thearticlewasentitled"Making up with theminimumof fuss: a five-minutebeautyroutinethat everybusywoman shouldknow".这篇文章题目为“费心最少的化妆——每位忙碌女性都应该知道的5分钟日常美容程序”。
- aggravation
- aggro
- awkward
- bore
- bother
- bulky
- disturbance
- drag
- imposition
- inconvenience
- inconvenient
- inconveniently
- inopportune
- pisser
- putsomethingout
- rigamarole
- rigmarole
- snag
- storm
- tempest
uk/fʌs/us/fʌs/fussverb(GIVE ATTENTION TO)
to give too muchattentiontosmallmattersthat are notimportant, usually in a way thatshowsthat you areworriedand notrelaxed:
(为小事)过于烦恼,过度焦虑;过于关注(细节)Please,stopfussing - the food'scookingand there's nothing more to do until theguestsarrive.别瞎忙活了——饭正做着,客人们来之前没什么要做的了。
Itirritatesme the way she's always fussingwithherhair!她老是摆弄自己的头发,真让人受不了。
Anxious and worried
- (all) hot and botheredidiom
- -racked
- aflutter
- agitated
- angsty
- anxious
- fretfully
- frightened
- get in a sweatidiom
- grim
- grimly
- queasily
- queasiness
- queasy
- rattled
- rest easyidiom
- strung out
- worrier
- worrywart
- wound up
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Wanting everything to be right
Phrasal verb
fuss oversomeone/something