free solo
uk/ˈfriː ˌsəʊ.ləʊ/us/ˈfriː ˌsoʊ.loʊ/(ofclimbinguprocks,mountainsorbuildings) done with noropesor otherequipment:
(不使用绳索等保护设备的)徒手攀登的,无保护攀登的Freesoloclimbingshunsthe use ofropesor othersafetyequipment.徒手攀岩不使用绳索或其他安全保护设备。
With littlenaturalprotectionand somebigrunouts, much of therouterequiresanalmostfreesoloapproach.由于没有什么天然的保护,而且又有一些大的飞跃区,很多路线都需要几乎类似徒手攀岩的方式。
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseil
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- climbing
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountain climber
- mountainboarding
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
- sport climbing
free solo
uk/ˈfriː ˌsəʊ.ləʊ/us/ˈfriː ˌsoʊ.loʊ/withoutropesor otherequipment:
(不使用绳索等保护设备)徒手攀登地,无保护攀登地Manyclimbershadreachedthetopof El Capitan, but none had done itfreesolo.许多登山者都曾登上过酋长岩,但没有一个人是徒手登峰的。
No-one isforcinghim toclimbfreesolo.没有人逼着他徒手攀岩。
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseil
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- climbing
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountain climber
- mountainboarding
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
- sport climbing
free solo
toclimbuprocks,mountainsorbuildingswith noropesor otherequipment:
(不使用绳索等保护设备的)徒手攀登,无保护攀登Thismightylimestoneandicewallhas beenfreesoloed by twopeople.已经有两个人徒手攀登过这座巨大的石灰岩和冰墙。
Harrington was one of the first tofreesoloFitzroy, one of Patagonia's mosticonicmassifs.哈灵顿是第一个徒手攀登菲茨罗伊峰的人,菲茨罗伊峰是巴塔哥尼亚最具代表性的山峰之一。
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseil
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- climbing
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountain climber
- mountainboarding
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
- sport climbing
free solo
uk/ˈfriː ˌsəʊ.ləʊ/us/ˈfriː ˌsoʊ.loʊ/anactofclimbinguprocks,mountainsorbuildingswith noropesor otherequipment:
(不使用绳索等保护设备的)徒手攀登,无保护攀登It was one of the mostdangerousfreesolosof alltime.这是有史以来最危险的一次徒手攀登。
This 75-storeybuildingclimbwas the world'shighesturbanfreesolo.攀爬这座75层高的楼房是世界上最高的城市徒手攀登活动。

Don Mason/GettyImages
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseil
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- climbing
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountain climber
- mountainboarding
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
- sport climbing