free soloist
uk/ˈfriː ˌsəʊ.ləʊ.ɪst/us/ˈfriː ˌsoʊ.loʊ.ɪst/(alsofree solo climber)someone whoclimbsuprocks,mountainsorbuildingswithout using anyropesor otherequipment:
(不使用绳索等保护设备的)徒手攀登者,无保护攀登者As one of the world'stopfreesoloists, Reardon wasknownfornumerousclimbingaccomplishments.作为世界上顶尖的徒手攀岩者之一,里尔登以其众多的攀岩成就而闻名。

Daniel Milchev/The Image Bank/GettyImages
- Withoutropesorsafetyharnesses, afreesoloisthasclimbeda 550 highmountainfacein theItalianAlps.
- Freesoloistsclimbalonewithoutropes,harnessesor otherequipment.
- Severalfreesoloclimbershavediedclimbing.
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseil
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- climbing
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountain climber
- mountainboarding
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
- sport climbing