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pagenoun[C](PAPER)A1(written abbreviationp.)asideof one of thepiecesofpaperin abook,newspaper, ormagazine, usually with anumberprintedon it: (书或报纸杂志的)页,面 Fordetailson how toenterthecompetition,seepage 134.关于如何参加比赛的细则,请参见134页。 Thearticleappearedon thefrontpage of the New York Times.这篇文章刊登在《纽约时报》的头版。 one of thesheetsofpaperin abook,newspaper, ormagazine: (书或报纸、杂志中纸的)一页,一张Several pages have beentornout of thisbook.这本书有好几页被撕掉了。  Jose Luis Pelaez/Photodisc/GettyImages - I'd like you tolookat thediagramon page 27.
- Thephotowas on thefrontpage of all thepapers.
- Sheranherfingerdown the page,lookingfor hername.
- Nowturnthe page,please, andstartworkon Exercise 2.
- Heturnedover two or three pages.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPublishing: paper & stationery - A3
- A5
- acid-free
- assembler
- backspace
- ballpoint pen
- chalk
- foolscap
- fountain pen
- gift wrap
- grammage
- hanging chad
- notepad
- propelling pencil
- pulp
- quill
- quire
- qwerty
- ream
- slate
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Books & parts of books Newspapers & magazines pagenoun[C](COMPUTER)A2(alsoweb page)onepartof awebsite (因特网的)网页 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInternet terminology - above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- podcast
- refresh
- shopping basket
- unlike
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
See more results » pagenoun[C](PERSON)in the past, aboywhoworkedas aservantfor aknightand who waslearningtobecomeaknight: Below in thecourtyardtheknightsand men-at-arms and pages were alreadyreceivingthe Queen’smessage. He who wouldbecomeaknightmust firstlearntherudimentsas a page. in the past, a man orboywho was thepersonalservantof animportantperson: Weknowde Verebecame"poor" with only 4 pages orattendants, after havingrunthrough hisfamilywealth. (alsopageboy)ayoungboywho is one of thepeopleto go with thebride(= the woman who is gettingmarried)into theplacewhere theweddingis takingplace: Thechildrenof thecouplebecamethebridesmaidsand pages. The pages,flowergirls, andbridesmaidswerewaitingfor thebrideand herfather. ayoungpersonwhosejobis todelivermessages,answerpeople'squestions, do things for otherstaff, etc. in acompanyororganization: He is ahotelpage. Heworkedas a page at theoldVernon Branch Library. Asyoungmen, her three mucholderbrotherswereSenatepages whometPresidentsJohnKennedy and Richard Nixon. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPeople who serve other people - anti-slavery
- below/above stairsidiom
- boot boy
- butler
- clerk
- dogsbody
- gofer
- housemaid
- labourer
- lackey
- lapdog
- puppet
- retainer
- servant
- skivvy
- slave
- slave trade
- slaver
- slavery
- valet
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Idiomsa page in/of history take a page fromsomeone/something tocallapersonusing aloudspeaker(= anelectricdevicefor makingsoundslouder)in apublicplace: (用扩音器在公共场合)呼叫(某人)He was paged at theairportand told toreturnhomeimmediately.机场扩音器传出了呼叫他的广播,叫他立刻回家。 tosendamessageto someone'spager(=smallelectronicdevicethatreceivessignals): 给某人的传呼机留口信Have youtriedto page him?你试过给他打传呼吗? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCommunications - messaging - beep
- bleeper
- direct message
- DM
- facsimile
- fax
- intercom
- Mailgram
- message
- messaging
- p.m.
- pager
- resend
- Telemessage
- telex
- text
- text message
- thnq
- tweet
- tweetstorm
See more results » (Definition ofpagefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)pagenoun[C](PAPER)A1(written abbreviationp.)asideof one of thepiecesofpaperin abook,newspaper, ormagazine, usually with anumberprintedon it (书或报纸杂志的)页,面Fordetailson how toenterthecompetition,seepage 134.关于如何参加比赛的细则,请参见134页。 Thearticleappearedon thefrontpage of the New York Times.这篇文章刊登在《纽约时报》的头版。 one of thesheetsofpaperin abook,newspaper, ormagazine (书或报纸、杂志中纸的)一页,一张Several pages have beentornout of thisbook.这本书有好几页被撕掉了。 - I'd like you tolookat thediagramon page 27.
- Thephotowas on thefrontpage of all thepapers.
- Sheranherfingerdown the page,lookingfor hername.
- Nowturnthe page,please, andstartworkon Exercise 2.
- Heturnedover two or three pages.
pagenoun[C](COMPUTER)A2(alsoweb page)onepartof awebsite pagenoun[C](BOY)(in the past) aboywhoworkedas aservantfor aknightand who waslearningtobecomeaknight tocallapersonusing aloudspeaker(= anelectricdevicefor makingsoundslouder)in apublicplace (用扩音器在公共场合)呼叫(某人)He was paged at theairportand told toreturnhomeimmediately.机场扩音器传出了呼叫他的广播,叫他立刻回家。 tosendamessageto someone'spager(=smallelectronicdevicethatreceivessignals) 给某人的传呼机留口信Have youtriedto page him?你试过给他打传呼吗? page| American Dictionarypagenoun[C](PAPER)(abbreviationp.)onesideof asheetofpaperin abook,newspaper,magazine, etc.: What page are thebaseballstandings on? It’s aterrificnovel, but it’s over 800 pageslong. Thearticleiscontinuedon page 43(= asideof asheetofpapernumbered43). pagenoun[C](COMPUTER)agroupoftextandimagesshowntogether on acomputerscreen: Do you have ahomepage? It took her only 20minutestocustomizeaWebpage. pageverb[T](COMMUNICATE)tocommunicatewith someone by having that person’snameannouncedpubliclyor bysendingasignalto anelectronicdevicethepersoniscarrying: Doctors are paged bytheiransweringservicesat allhours. (Definition ofpagefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)(abbreviationp)asideof one of thepiecesofpaperin abook,newspaper, ormagazine, usually with anumberprintedon it: Openyourbookandlookat page nine. Even themajornewspapersletimportantnewsslipoff thefrontpage. [often plural]one of thesheetsofpaperin abook,newspaper, ormagazine: A page had beenrippedout of themagazine. in the pages of sthThere were severalinterestingarticlesto befoundin the pages of theWallStreetJournal today. thefinancial/sports/newspages thebusiness/culture/advertisingpages INTERNET(alsoweb page)onepartof awebsite: Yourpage on thesocialnetworkingsiteenablesyou toshareyourbusinessprofile. Weaddedajobspage to thewebsite. ITthetextof anelectronicdocumentthat you canseeon acomputerscreen: You have toscrolldown the pagetofindtheinformationyou'relookingfor. COMMUNICATIONSamessagereceivedon apager(= asmallpieceofelectronicequipmentthatmovesor makes anoisetotellyou tophonesomeone): send a page to sbIaskedthenursetosenda page to thedoctor. be on the same page to have the sameideasas someoneelse: Everyone in theofficehas to be on the same page about whatourtopprioritiesare. tocallapersonusing aloudspeakerin apublicplace: He was paged at theairportand told toreturnhomeimmediately. tosendamessageto someone'spager: Assoonas you'refinishedwith thedownload, page me. (Definition ofpagefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofpagepage They should not exceed in size the equivalent of onepageof print.From theCambridge English Corpus There is also a list of over 40 institutes and individuals working on jackfruit, and 25 pages of recipes using the fruit or seeds.From theCambridge English Corpus Many of the pages are blank; others were removed and subsequently have been lost.From theCambridge English Corpus In eighty-four pages he manages to touch on every crucial point surrounding this quarrel.From theCambridge English Corpus On a technical note, the maps are so blurred as to be sometimes unreadable and the print quality is light and indistinct on some pages.From theCambridge English Corpus Each chapter is preceded by a contentspage, has clear subject headings throughout, and concludes with a summary and suggestions for further reading.From theCambridge English Corpus To introduce the tasks, the following information was provided on the coverpageof the booklets.From theCambridge English Corpus Pagemeasurenments are shown with the vertical dimension first.From theCambridge English Corpus The fact that he was penniless by the turn of the sixties is virtually a postscript on the finalpageof the text.From theCambridge English Corpus There is something to think about on virtually everypage.From theCambridge English Corpus It's also short (8 pages) but surely valuable for the intended audience.From theCambridge English Corpus The firstpageof each category is a practicepageto ensure that the subject understands the task.From theCambridge English Corpus In total, there were 8 different design conditions differing bypageorder and the pictures asked about, to which the sample was randomly allocated.From theCambridge English Corpus Thispagedemonstrates several things about the system.From theCambridge English Corpus He might be able to edit apageand possibly even to generate apageof perfect text by himself.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithpagepageThese are words often used in combination withpage. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. blank page After choosing a circle for each time dimension, respondents describe temporal connections by arranging the circles on ablankpage. From theCambridge English Corpus editorial page Cited byeditorialpageand line number. From theCambridge English Corpus facing page For caption seefacingpage. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/page## |