apieceofequipmentmade of alargepieceofspecialcloththat isfastenedto apersonor thing that isdroppedfrom anaircraft, inorderto make him, her, or itfallslowlyandsafelyto theground
降落伞See also

Angela Rohde/EyeEm/GettyImages
- a parachuteharness
- Airbornetroopsweredroppedby parachute behindenemylines.
- For whateverreasonhis parachutefailedtoopen.
- She'sagreedto do a parachutejumpforcharity.
- There was alargetearin his parachute.
Air travel: balloons & parachutes
- aeronaut
- aerostat
- airship
- balloon
- barrage balloon
- blimp
- canopy
- chute
- dirigible
- hot-air balloon
- ripcord
- weather balloon
- wingsuit
- Zeppelin
uk/ˈpær.ə.ʃuːt/us/ˈper.ə.ʃuːt/parachuteverb(FROM AIRCRAFT)
[Iusually+ adv/prep]
tojumpfrom anaircraftusing a parachute:
跳伞Theplanis to parachute into thetown.计划是要跳伞进入该城。
[Tusually+ adv/prep]
todropsomeone or something from anaircraftby parachute:
(用降落伞)空投,空降[often passive]Thousands ofleafletswere parachuted behindenemylines.数千份传单被空投至敌后。
Air sports
- base jumper
- base jumping
- glide
- gliding
- hang-gliding
- paraglider
- paragliding
- paramotor
- paramotoring
- parapente
- parascending
- powered paraglider
- powered paragliding
- skydiver
- skydiving
- slow roll
- wingsuiting
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Moving downwards
parachuteverb(INTO SITUATION)
[IorT+ adv/prep]
toenterasituationwithoutpreviouslybeinginvolvedin it,especiallytooffertemporaryhelp, or tobringsomeone into asituationin this way :
She parachutesintohospitalsthatdesperatelyneednursesandstaysthreemonthsor so.
Before Hancock was parachutedin,saleshad beenfallingconsistently.
Taking part and getting involved
- actor
- all in
- along
- attendee
- be (a) party tosomethingidiom
- catch
- concern
- go in onsomething
- hat
- have a horse in the raceidiom
- have skin in the gameidiom
- horse
- immersion
- muscle
- neck
- pitch in
- plunge
- plunge in/plunge intosomething
- punch above your weightidiom
- re-engage