biologyspecialized(UKusuallyparasitise)uk/ˈpær.ə.sɪ.taɪz/us/ˈper.ə.səˌtaɪz/(of ananimalorplant) toliveon or in anotheranimalorplantof a differenttypeandfeedfrom it :
Thesetinybeetlesparasitize otherinsects.
Theflowersparasitise thegrassandreduceitsvigour.
- E. dispar parasitizes thehumanintestinebut does notcauseillness.
- Resultsshowedsignificantdifferencesbetween parasitized and non-parasitizedlarvae.
- Somepathogenssuppresstheimmunesystemby parasitisingcellssuch as macrophages and Tcells.
Plants & animals - general words
- animal kingdom
- anti-parasitic
- autotroph
- biota
- biped
- esculent
- family
- fauna
- flora
- flora and fauna
- mammalian
- migrant
- non-mammalian
- non-placental
- omnivore
- ruminant
- scavenger
- secondary consumer
- songster
- undomesticated