mainlyUKuk/kənˈskrɪpt/us/kənˈskrɪpt/(USusuallydraft)toforcesomeone toservein anarmyor one of a country'sarmedforces:
He was conscriptedintothearmyat theageof 18.他18岁被征召入伍。
- UntilNationalServicecame to an end in about 1960, some of those whorefusedto be conscripted weresenttoprison.
- TheboysImetthere, some asyoungas 6, had been conscripted -kidnappedis the moreaccurateterm- by arebelarmy.
- Decliningpopulationscauseenormousproblemsfor conscripting ahealthymilitary.
Joining or leaving the army
- anti-draft
- buy
- buysomeoneout
- call
- callsomeoneup
- commission
- conscription
- demob
- demobilization
- desert
- deserter
- desertion
- draft dodger
- enlist
- enlisted
- join
- join up
- re-enlist
- re-enlistment
- re-up
mainlyUKuk/ˈkɒn.skript/us/ˈkɑːn.skript/(USusuallydraftee)apersonwho has beenforcedtoservein anarmyor in one of a country'sarmedforces:
Overhalfthearmywascomposedof conscripts.
- Wewantprofessionalsoldiers, not unmotivated,resistantconscripts.
- About 40,000regulartroops, 65,000paramilitarytroopsand 35,000 conscripts have been put on highalerttoconfrontanyemergencynear theborder.
- Theregimewas stillplyingthestreetsof thecapitalto round upyoungmen as conscripts.
Soldiers & people who fight in wars
- anti-guerrilla
- Anzac
- berserker
- capability
- cavalryman
- combat engineer
- comrade
- conqueror
- ex-serviceman
- ex-servicewoman
- foot soldier
- headhunter
- raider
- recruit
- scout
- shogun
- skirmisher
- soldier of fortune
- squaddie
- vassal
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈkɒn.skript/us/ˈkɑːn.skript/relatingto or consisting ofpeoplewho areforcedtoservein anarmyor in one of a country'sarmedforces:
a conscriptarmy
- Theoretically, thealliancehas millions of conscripttroopsatitsdisposal.
- In Vietnam, we had a conscriptmilitary.
Joining or leaving the army
- anti-draft
- buy
- buysomeoneout
- call
- callsomeoneup
- commission
- conscription
- demob
- demobilization
- desert
- deserter
- desertion
- draft dodger
- enlist
- enlisted
- join
- join up
- re-enlist
- re-enlistment
- re-up