happeningor doing something often:
频繁的;经常发生的;经常做的a regularcustomer/churchgoer/reader/user老顾客/经常去教堂做礼拜的人/固定读者/老用户
Professionalathletesmake regularappearanceson TV.职业足球运动员经常在电视上亮相。
- She goes to herdoctorfor regularcheck-ups.
- Hepaidregularamountsofmoneyto acharity.
- If you don'tsortout thepapersonyourdeskon a regularbasisthey justkeeponaccumulating.
- There is a regulartrainservicebetween Glasgow and Edinburgh.
- I'll need regularupdatesonyourprogress.
Frequency & regularity - general words
- (as) regular as clockworkidiom
- -ly
- clockwork
- endemically
- erratic
- erratically
- fitful
- irregular
- irregularity
- irregularly
- like clockworkidiom
- many
- on and offidiom
- on-again, off-again
- on-off
- periodic
- periodically
- religiously
- sporadically
- would
existingorhappeningrepeatedlyin afixedpattern, withequalorsimilaramountsofspaceortimebetween one and the next;even:
定时的;固定的;有规律的;规则的;均匀的Herheartbeatwas regular.她的心跳很正常。
Thegardenersplantedthetreesat regularintervals.园丁按照固定的间隔种树。
Isuggestthat we have regularmeetings/meeton aregularbasis.我建议我们定期会面。
Someone who is regularemptiestheirbowelsoften enough, and a woman who is regular always has herperiodatapproximatelythe sametime:
(人)大便正常的;(女性)月经正常的Thedoctoraskedif I was regular/if mybowelmovementswere regular.医生问我大便是否正常。
- Is shepaida regularwageor is it oncommissiononly?
- Manycompaniesoperateregularjobappraisals, often on anannualbasis.
- Weseeeach other at regularintervals- usually aboutonceamonth.
- Thebellsringat regularintervalsthrough theday.
- If you don'tsortout thepapersonyourdeskon a regularbasisthey justkeeponaccumulating.
Standard and routine
- average
- average Joe
- bog-standard
- conformance
- conformity
- conventionalized
- default
- given
- institutionalize
- mainline
- orthodox
- quotidian
- regularity
- regularization
- regularize
- set
- std
- stock
- the/your average bearidiom
- unspectacular
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Frequency & regularity - general words
Animal physiology: excrement & its excretion
普通的;一般的;寻常的Her regularsecretarywas offsickfor aweek.她平时的秘书生病了,休假一周。
I couldn'tseemy regulardentist.我不能去找平时给我看病的那个牙医了。
You can uselow-fator regularcreamcheese.你可以用低脂或普通的奶油奶酪。
Do youwantlargefriesor regularfrieswith that?你想配大包还是普通薯条?
A regularverb,noun, oradjectivefollowstheusualrulesin thestructureofitsvariousforms:
(动词、名词或形容词)规则的,按规则变化的"Talk" is a regularverbbut "be" is not.动词 talk 是个规则动词,而 be 就不是。
a regular guyUS
anormalman who islikedandtrusted
可亲近信赖的人;好人regular army, soldier, etc.
anarmythatexistsall thetime, or asoldierin such anarmy
正规军/正规军士兵等- I'm not her regularsecretary- I'm justfillingin.
- All thenetworkspre-emptedtheirregularschedulestobroadcastnewsof thehijacking.
- This is not my regularlipstick.
- Do you have thesepantsin a regularlength?
- Heseemslike a regularguy.
Standard and routine
- average
- average Joe
- bog-standard
- conformance
- conformity
- conventionalized
- default
- given
- institutionalize
- mainline
- orthodox
- quotidian
- regularity
- regularization
- regularize
- set
- std
- stock
- the/your average bearidiom
- unspectacular
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistic terms & linguistic style
The armed forces generally
the same on both or allsides:
均匀的;端正的;整齐的He's veryhandsome, with regularfeaturesanddeepbrowneyes.他相貌英俊,五官端正,长着一双深褐色的眼睛。
Asquareis a regularquadrilateral.广场是个正四边形。
Similar and the same
- -esque
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- pale imitation
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- respecter
- snap
[before noun]informal
完全的;彻底的;十足的Thesituationhere now isbecominga regulardisaster.这里的局势现在正在演变成一场惨重的灾难。
old-fashionedThatchildis a regularcharmer/littlenuisance.那个小孩真是个地地道道的迷人精/讨厌鬼。
Complete and whole
- (all) in one pieceidiom
- A, a
- absolute
- all or nothingidiom
- all-in-one
- all-inclusive
- fell
- fibre
- from stem to sternidiom
- full-blown
- full-fledged
- full-length
- fully
- plain
- thoroughly
- through and throughidiom
- to the lastidiom
- totality
- toto
- unabridged
Verbs: basic forms
Main verbs have three basic forms: the base form, the past form and the -ed form (sometimes called the ‘-ed participle’):…Verbs: the three basic forms
Main verbs have three basic forms: the base form, the past form and the -ed form (sometimes called the ‘-ed participle’):…Regular verbs
Most verbs in English are regular. Regular verbs add -ing to the base form to make the -ing form, and -ed to the base form to make the past simple and the -ed form.…Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs follow the same rules as regular verbs for the present simple but have different forms for the past simple and the -ed form.…Idiom
(as) regular as clockwork
someone who often goes to aparticulareventorplace, such as ashoporrestaurant:
常客,老顾客,老主顾He's one of the regulars at thepub.他是酒馆的常客之一。
- attraction
- beard the lion (inhis/herden)idiom
- been
- call
- call (in) onsomeone
- call by
- come round
- happen along/by(somewhere)
- haunt
- homestay
- house-to-house
- look around(somewhere/something)
- pay
- pop
- stop
- stop by(somewhere)
- stop in
- stop offsomewhere
- stop over
- swing by/past(something)
asoldierwhosepermanentjobis being asoldier
职业军人,正规军人Soldiers & people who fight in wars
- anti-guerrilla
- Anzac
- berserker
- cavalryman
- combat engineer
- comrade
- ex-serviceman
- ex-servicewoman
- foot soldier
- headhunter
- irregular
- paramilitary
- raider
- recruit
- scout
- shogun
- skirmisher
- soldier of fortune
- squaddie
- vassal