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单词 regularity


thefactof somethinghappeningor being done often
The samefamiliarfacesreappearin thelawcourtswithdepressingregularity.相同的、熟悉的面孔频频出现在法庭上,令人沮丧。
More examples
  • This is acitywhereclubsopenandclosewithalarmingregularity.
  • Theyprotestedabout thepostalservicewherecreditcards,parcels, andlettershavedisappearedwithfrighteningregularity.
  • Attacks onhighwaysandbridgeshaveoccurredwithincreasingregularity inrecentmonths.

regularitynoun(EVENLY SPACED)

thefactof somethingexistingorhappeningrepeatedlyin afixedpattern, withequalorsimilaramountsofspaceortimebetween one and the next
Theamountsand regularity ofpaymentsare set in themembershipagreement.会员协议中规定了付款的数额和规则。
thefactof someoneemptyingtheirbowelsoften enough, or of a woman having herperiodswithapproximatelythe sametimebetween them
Bulk-forminglaxativescan be used on adailybasistorestoreregularity.可使粪便成块的通便药可以每天使用,以恢复排便规律性。
Reducingstresslevelscanhelpyourmenstrualcycleto revert to regularity.减轻压力可以帮助你恢复月经周期正常。
More examples
  • Theyfoundthat regularity ofcontraceptiveuse isrelatedtosocioeconomicstatus.
  • He wascreditedwithbringingorderand regularity to theprocedureof the House of Lords.
  • The regularity of theseasonsmatchesthe regularity of thegreatChristianfestivalsofChristmas,Easter, andPentecost.


thefactof averb,noun, oradjectivefollowingtheusualrulesof alanguageinitsvariousforms, or aformthatfollowstheusualrules
Ourresearchlooksatverbregularity in ahistoricalcorpusofEnglish.我们的研究着眼于一个英语历史语料库中的动词规律性。
Researchers inlanguageacquisitionhaveshownthatchildrenplayanactiveroleinextractingregularities from thelanguagearound them.语言习得的研究人员表示:儿童会积极主动地从周围的语言环境中寻找语言的规律性。
More examples
  • When welookindepthatourmaterialswesoonrealizethatcertainpatterns,certainregularities,certaintrendscan bediscerned.
  • Thetheorydoesexplaintheempiricalregularities in theCEOlabourmarket.
  • Most of us neverdoubtthevalueof regularity andstabilityasessentialcogwheelsin theclockworkofdailylife.
  • Weconcludethatstudentscouldbenefitfromexplicitinstructionin gender-ending regularities.
  • Thisstudyexaminestheeffectof regularity and inflectionalentropyon theproductionofGreekverbs.


thefactof being the same on both or allsides
Symmetry and regularity in theshapeandsizeoffacialfeaturesisuniversallyrecognizedas beingbeautiful.五官的形状和大小的对称性和规律性被普遍认为是美丽的标准。
More examples
  • Thebuildingshould begovernedby theabstractprinciplesof regularity,symmetry, andharmony.
  • Herstrikingclothesemphasizedthestrengthand regularity of herstrongfeatures.




Scholars of regime change have offered several complementary explanations of the empiricalregularitythat democratic transitions tend not to result in substantial redistribution.
From theCambridge English Corpus
What is stored as semantic involves regularities in experience at the time language forms are used, and surely that varies a good deal.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Furthermore, holographic growth seems a useful model of the way in which the visual system builds up its representation of regularities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In the course of evolution, our visual system became attuned to only a few of the innumerably many kinds ofregularityin the world.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Their argument that these regularities are a reflection of some basic features of neurogenesis is quite reasonable.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Neutralization and inflectional syncretism obscure the underlying dimensions so that the learner has to rely on large sets of data in order to discover regularities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Note thatregularityof a stochastic matrix only depends on its pattern of zeros, or, in other words, on the associated directed graph.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The bootstrap ofregularitywill be done in different stages.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Each species was sampled every month when possible, but not all species could be sampled with the sameregularity.
From theCambridge English Corpus
But, in view of this argument, how is it that strict event regularities are not local closures?
From theCambridge English Corpus
Yet strict event regularities are said to be rare.
From theCambridge English Corpus
When institutional rules are drawn upon with sufficientregularity, they can become embodied via a process of habituation resulting in the adoption of a habit.
From theCambridge English Corpus
That is, the interventions by the supernatural are infrequent and, hence, inconsequential to the processes and regularities of the development of civilization.
From theCambridge English Corpus
On the other hand, temporal eternity, or even eternalregularitya parte ante, is no explanation of the fact that something exists here and now.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Assuming a certainregularity, we can in some cases even assume that the points are evenly distributed.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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