uk/ˈskræm.bəl/us/ˈskræm.bəl/scrambleverb(MOVE QUICKLY)
C2[Iusually+ adv/prep]
tomoveorclimbquicklybut withdifficulty, often usingyourhandstohelpyou:
(急速而艰难地)移动;爬;攀登She scrambledupthesteephillsideandovertherocks.她爬上了陡峭的山坡,翻过岩石。
He scrambledintohisclothes(= put them onquickly)andracedto gethelp.他匆匆套上衣服,跑去寻求救援。
As theburningplanelanded, theterrifiedpassengersscrambledforthedoor(=triedtoreachthedoorquickly).起火的飞机降落后,惊慌失措的乘客奋力向舱门口跑去。
to move onto or towards the top of something
- climbIt was an effort to climb the stairs.
- ascendShe ascended the podium and began to speak.
- scaleHe claims to have scaled every peak of the Himalayas.
- mountThe cowboy mounted his horse and rode off into the sunset.
tocompetewith otherpeoplefor something there is very little of:
争抢[+ to infinitive]People are scramblingtobuypropertybeforepricesriseevenfurther.人们抢着在进一步涨价之前购买房产。
(of aquarterbackin Americanfootball) torunquicklywith theballtoavoidanopponentwho hasbrokenthrough thelineofplayersthatprotectsthem:
Thequarterbacksawthedefendercoming and scrambled to hisrightfor sixyards.
- We scrambled up thehill.
- He scrambled over thecarrooftohelphiscolleague.
- She scrambled to herfeetandhurriedout of theroom.
- Somehow Imanagedto scramble up thebank.
- We scrambled up themuddypathto thehouse.
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- buzz
- careen
- career
- fluent
- gallop
- gun
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Moving upwards
Moving on your hands and legs or on your stomach
Competing and contending (non-sporting)
American football
Running away and escaping
[T](alsoscramble up)
to put things such as words orlettersin thewrongorderso that they do not makesense:
打乱(单词或字母使之不再有任何含义)He had ahabitof scrambling his words whenexcited.他兴奋时通常会语无伦次。
tomixfoodas it is beingfried,especiallyeggsortofu(= asoft,palefoodthat has very littleflavourbut is high inprotein, made from theseedof thesoyaplant):
I’msurethisdishwould be just asdeliciousif you scrambled theeggsfirst.
You can use anykindoftofuwhen scrambling it.
Mixing and mixtures
- amalgam
- be neither one thing nor the otheridiom
- blend
- blend in/blend intosomething
- blender
- blitz
- crossed
- decoction
- emulsion
- guaraná
- homogeneous mixture
- meld
- methylate
- mingle
- mixture
- mosaic
- mush
- saturated solution
- substance
- synthesis
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cookery terms
scrambleverb(CHANGE SIGNAL)
tochangearadioorphonesignalso that it can only beunderstoodusing aspecialdevice
对(无线电或电话信号)作扰频(或倒频)处理(使只有通过专门设备才能接收)Codes & decoding
- bombe
- cipher
- code word
- coded
- cryptanalysis
- crypto
- cryptography
- cryptology
- cypher
- decipher
- decode
- decrypt
- encode
- encryption
- passcode
- QR code
- scrambler
- token
- tokenization
- unscramble
scrambleverb(TAKE OFF)
to (causeaplaneto) take off veryquickly:
(使)(飞机)紧急起飞Ahelicopterwas scrambled withinminutesof thenews.直升机在接到消息几分钟之后紧急起飞。
Air travel: travelling by aircraft
- aboard
- aeronaut
- air bridge
- air corridor
- air rage
- air taxi
- bird strike
- bump
- business class
- coach
- fly
- fogbound
- hop
- jet
- medevac
- non-flying
- post-landing
- reclaim
- upgrade
- vertical take-off
aclimbthat isdifficultso that you have to useyourhandstohelpyou:
(艰难的)爬,攀登It wasarealscramble to thetopof thehillside.好不容易才爬到山坡顶上。
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- buzz
- careen
- career
- fluent
- gallop
- gun
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Moving upwards
Moving on your hands and legs or on your stomach
scramblenoun(QUICK MOVEMENT)
匆匆的行为[+ to infinitive]Assoonas theplanelandedthere wasamad/wildscrambletoget out.飞机一降落,人们乱作一团,匆匆跑了出去。
ahurriedattemptto get something:
抢夺,争抢After thedeathof thedictatorthere wasanunseemlyscrambleforpoweramong thegenerals.独裁者死后,将军们为争夺权力闹翻了天。
Hurrying and doing things quickly
- accelerate
- acceleration
- against the clockidiom
- against time/the clockidiom
- alacrity
- dash
- get a wiggle onidiom
- grab-and-go
- grease
- hacky
- haste
- precipitately
- prompt
- promptly
- promptness
- quickie
- rattlesomethingoff
- snap
- stroke
- tear
摩托车越野赛(同 motocross)We'replanninga scramble through theforestnextweekend.我们计划下周末举行一次穿越森林的摩托车越野赛。
Motor racing
- chicane
- cockpit
- drag race
- drag racing
- drag strip
- go-karting
- grand prix
- grid
- hill climb
- hotrod
- motocross
- pole position
- race car driver
- racing car driver
- racing driver
- speedway
- starter
- stock car
- the chequered flag
adishoffoodthat ismixedas it is beingfried,especiallyeggsortofu(= asoft,palefoodthat has very littleflavourbut is high inprotein, made from theseedof thesoyaplant):
a potato-sausage scramble土豆香肠炒蛋
tofuscramble withmushroomsandspinach

Roberto Machado Noa/Moment/GettyImages
Mixing and mixtures
- amalgam
- be neither one thing nor the otheridiom
- blend
- blend in/blend intosomething
- blender
- blitz
- crossed
- decoction
- emulsion
- guaraná
- homogeneous mixture
- meld
- methylate
- mingle
- mixture
- mosaic
- mush
- saturated solution
- substance
- synthesis
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cookery terms