scratcher ticket
USuk/ˈskrætʃ.ə ˌtɪk.ɪt/us/ˈskrætʃ.ɚ ˌtɪk.ɪt/(USalsoscratch ticket,scratch-off);(UKscratch card)asmallcardthat you canbuytotrytowinaprize, with athinlayerthat youruboff toseeif you havewinningnumberson it:
刮刮乐(彩票)An Augusta County manwon$1 million with a scratcherticket.奥古斯塔县的一名男子在一张刮刮乐彩票上刮出了100 万美元。
Sheboughta $30 scratcherticketin thehopesofwinningextracashfor theholidays.她买了一张30美元的刮刮乐彩票,希望能赢得额外的现金在度假时用。

- He came back with a two-dollarlotteryscratcherticket.
- Thewinningscratcherticketwassoldin Fresno.
- You couldbuya scratcherticketthatadvertisesabiggrandprizeand haveabsolutelynochanceofwinningthatprize.
Gambling & bookmaking
- a/the bookmaker'sphrase
- ante
- anti-gambling
- bank
- bet
- blackjack
- casino
- chip
- co-favourite
- cockfight
- croupier
- gaming table
- poker machine
- punt
- roulette
- slot machine
- sweepstake
- toss up
- trifecta
- turf accountant