USuk/ˈskrætʃˌɒf/us/ˈskrætʃˌɑːf/(USalsoscratch-off ticket,uk/ˈskrætʃˌɒf ˌtɪk.ɪt/us/ˈskrætʃˌɑːf ˌtɪk.ɪt/);(UKscratch card,uk/ˈskrætʃ ˌkɑːd/us/ˈskrætʃ ˌkɑːrd/)asmallcardthat you canbuytotrytowinaprize, with athinlayerthat youruboff inordertoseeif you have thewinningnumberson it:
刮刮乐(彩票)He has agamblingproblemand isaddictedto scratch-offs.他有点沉迷赌博,并且对刮刮乐上了瘾。
Scratch-offticketsnowaccountfor 75% oflotterysalesin Texas.刮刮乐现在占德州彩票销量的75%。

- Scratch-offticketsaresoaringinpopularity.
- Fundraisingticketssuch as scratch-offs canearnup to a 90%profitforyourorganization.
- During the past sevenyears, scratch-offsalesjumpedmore than 250%.
Gambling & bookmaking
- a/the bookmaker'sphrase
- ante
- anti-gambling
- bank
- bet
- blackjack
- casino
- chip
- co-favourite
- cockfight
- croupier
- gaming table
- poker machine
- punt
- roulette
- slot machine
- sweepstake
- toss up
- trifecta
- turf accountant