seat belt
uk/ˈsiːt ˌbelt/us/ˈsiːt ˌbelt/(alsosafety belt)abeltthatfastensaround you when you aretravellingin avehicleoraircraftandholdsyou inyourseat, inordertoreducetheriskof beinginjuredin anaccident:
(坐椅)安全带Pleasefasten/do upyourseatbelts.请系上安全带。
You mustwearyourseatbelt.你一定要系好安全带。

Philippe TURPIN/Photononstop/GettyImages
The interior of vehicles
- back seat
- brake
- brake pedal
- dashboard
- defogger
- demister
- dickey
- dimmer switch
- dip switch
- footbrake
- gas pedal
- horn
- inertia reel
- luggage rack
- parking brake
- safety belt
- speedometer
- stick shift
- tachograph
- trim