(alsoover-discount)uk/ˌəʊ.və.dɪˈskaʊnt/us/ˌoʊ.vɚ.dɪˈskaʊnt/overdiscountverb[I or T](REDUCE)
finance and economicsspecialized
toreducethepriceorvalueof something too much:
Themarkethas over-discounted.
Selling thestocksat highpricesmay overdiscounttheirfuturegrowth.
- Overdiscounting is anobstacletogrowth.
- Sometimes themarketunderdiscounts alargecropand overdiscounts asmallcrop.
- Over-discounting maystopthecompanyfrom usinginvestmentsto do anything more thancoveroperatingcosts.
Price decreases
- bargain
- bear market
- bearish
- closeout
- concessional
- couponer
- couponing
- cratering
- deflate
- deflation
- depreciate
- depress
- drop off
- freeze
- knock off (something)
- marksomethingdown
- post-devaluation
- projected value
- promo code
- spiral
overdiscountverb[I or T](NOT CONSIDER)
tobelievetoostronglythat something or someone is notworthconsideringor givingattention:
He is indangerof over-discounting therisksinvolved.
People who overdiscount bydisproportionatelyvaluingpresentwinsoverfuturewinsare making agravemistake.
- Thepossibilityoffailurehas been overdiscounted by too manypeople.
- Humanbeingstendto over-discount longer-termgainsandlossesrelativetoimmediategainsandlosses.
- Notsavingenough may be theproductof aninnatehumantendencyto overdiscount thefuture.
- acid-free
- apart
- bar
- barring
- clannish
- count
- discount
- exclusion
- exclusive
- exclusively
- exclusivity
- freezesomeoneout
- hold
- leavesomething/someoneoffsomething
- ostracize
- otherwise
- out of itidiom
- outlier
- present
- stand-alone