noun[S+ sing/pl verb]
uk/ˌdʒiːˈsev.ən/us/ˌdʒiːˈsev.ən/abbreviationforGroup of Seven: agroupofleadingindustrialcountriesconsisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the US, whoseleadersmeetregularlytodiscussinternationalpoliticalandeconomicissues, or ameetingof thisgroup:
Presidency oftheG7rotatesannuallyamong thememberstates.
The next G7 will beheldin Germany.
- The G7 hasspearheadedseveralmajorglobalinitiatives,includingeffortstocombattheHIV/AIDSpandemic.
- At thesummit, G7leadersaimtoaddresschallengesaffectingthegrowthof theworldeconomy.
- Developingnationswerefrustratedthat littleprogresstowardscuttingemissionswas made at therecentG7leaders’summit.
- Criticsclaimedthere was acorrelationbetween the G7 and arisein Covidcasesin thearea.
International relations: international politics & government
- accession
- airspace
- allied
- Anglo-American
- anti-Stalinist
- bipolar
- confederacy
- Geneva Convention
- geopolitical
- geopolitics
- internationalism
- internationalize
- multilateral
- pariah
- perestroika
- political asylum
- power politics
- prefect
- the G8