uk/ˈɡæb.ər/us/ˈɡæb.ɚ/someone whotalkscontinuouslyandeagerly,especiallyabout things that are notimportant:
唠叨的人,没完没了说话的人Claire is a gabber who neverstopstalking.克莱尔是个唠叨的人,说起话来喋喋不休。
People who usepublictransportcanbankonhearingmobilephonegabbersdiscussintimatedetailsoftheirlives.乘坐公共交通的人肯定可以听到没完没了讲手机的人讨论自己生活中的私密细节。
- He says he's adoer, not a gabber.
- Let'sseehow these twoprofessionalgabberstalktheirway throughourstupidquestions.
- Have youeverbeen at arestaurantnotfarfrom athoughtlessgabber who isactingas if he were in aprivatephonebooth?
Talkative and eloquent
- articulately
- articulateness
- cry
- eloquence
- eloquently
- expressive
- fluency
- fluent
- loquacious
- loquacity
- lucid
- lucidity
- lucidly
- oracy
- oratorical
- smooth
- talkative
- the gift of the gabidiom
- turn of phrase
- voluble
uk/ˈɡæb.ər/us/ˈɡæb.ɚ/totalkcontinuouslyandeagerly,especiallyabout things that are notimportant:
喋喋不休,没完没了地说话As wepassedthem they would gabber andgrinat us.当我们经过他们身边时,他们总是会对着我们唠叨,还咧着嘴笑。
He gabbered on until heranout of things to say.他喋喋不休地说个不停,直到实在没有什么可说的了。
- She gabberedincessantly, notcaringif Irepliedor not.
- Acrowdofyoungpeoplestoodaround gabbering inSpanish.
- Theystartedgabbering about "reversepolarities" or something.
Ways of talking
- babble
- beg the questionidiom
- blah
- blether
- blither
- coo
- declaim
- declamatory
- drone on
- gabble
- loose
- mumble
- pipe
- quaver
- ramble
- rattle on/away
- talk trashidiom
- throwyourvoiceidiom
- trill
- yak