uk/ˈɡæl.ɪk//ˈɡeɪ.lɪk/us/ˈɡæl.ɪk//ˈɡeɪ.lɪk/(alsoScots Gaelic,Scottish Gaelic)
aCelticlanguagespokenin somepartsofwesternScotlandand anofficiallanguageofScotland:
About 60primaryschoolsinScotlandnowteachlessonsin Gaelic.
ThedeclineofScotsGaelic willinevitablycontinuefor a while.
uk/ˈɡeɪ.lɪk/us/ˈɡeɪ.lɪk/(alsoIrish,Irish Gaelic)
aCelticlanguagespokenby somepeoplein Ireland and anofficiallanguageof the Republic of Ireland, where it istaughtin allschools:
They allspokeGaelic down in thewest.
The three Irishtenorssangmore inItalianthan they did in Gaelic.
uk/ˈɡeɪ.lɪk/us/ˈɡeɪ.lɪk/(alsoManx,Manx Gaelic)
aCelticlanguagespokenby somepeoplein the Isle of Man,especiallyin the past:
In 1901 the Isle of Man had 5,000 Gaelicspeakers.
Manx Gaelic is anofficiallanguagein theparliamentof the Isle of Man.
Language names
- Albanian
- American English
- Amharic
- Angrezi
- Aramaic
- Ebonics
- Filipino
- Finno-Ugric
- Georgian
- Greenlandic
- Gujarati
- Manx
- Mongolian
- Montenegrin
- Monégasque
- Nauruan
- Nepalese
- Romany
- Semitic
- Yiddish
relatingto theCelticlanguagespokenin somepartsofwesternScotland, or toitsspeakersortheirtraditionalculture:
The wordwhiskycomes from the Gaelic word usquebaugh,meaning"wateroflife".
The TVchannelservesScotland's Gaeliccommunity.
Theprojectis thebrainchildof the GaelicactorandwriterDomhnall Ruadh.
Scotland's Gaelicculturewascrushedafter thebattleof Culloden.
used as another word forScottish, todescribeapersonorgrouportheircharacteristics:
If thefiguresfor the past threeyearshadfollowedthe samepattern, we could haveovertakenourGaeliccounterparts.
relatingto theCelticlanguageof Ireland, or toitsspeakersortheirtraditionalculture:
ThecentrealsohostsGaeliclanguageclassesandreadingsfrom Irishpoets.
It'sdifficultforAmericanstopronouncesome Gaelic words, but O'Riordan'sexampleinspiresstudentstotry.
Thechildrenof Gaelicfamilieswere oftenheardspeakingamixtureof Gaelic andEnglishin theplayground.
Gaelicsports, such ashurlingand Gaelicfootball
the Gaelic AthleticAssociation
used as another word for Irish, todescribeapersonorgrouportheircharacteristics:
The Gaelicbookmakerunveiledastrongset offigures.
One of theinstructorswas angentlemanby thenameof Fagan who had all the Gaeliccharmof the Irish.
Language names
- Albanian
- American English
- Amharic
- Angrezi
- Aramaic
- Ebonics
- Filipino
- Finno-Ugric
- Georgian
- Greenlandic
- Gujarati
- Manx
- Mongolian
- Montenegrin
- Monégasque
- Nauruan
- Nepalese
- Romany
- Semitic
- Yiddish
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