uk/ɡæɡ/us/ɡæɡ/gagnoun[C](PIECE OF CLOTH)
apieceofcloththat istiedaround a person'smouthor put inside it inordertostopthepersonfromspeaking,shouting, orcallingforhelp:
(使人无法说话或喊叫求助的)塞口布Herhandsandfeetweretiedand a gagplacedover hermouth.她的手脚被捆,嘴里被塞了一块布。
Bands, straps and strips
- armband
- band
- bar
- binding
- blindfold
- braid
- collar
- dog collar
- duct tape
- loom bands
- masking tape
- raffia
- riband
- ribbon
- straight edge
- strap
- streamer
- stripe
- sweatband
- webbed
ajokeorfunnystory,especiallyone told by acomedian(=personwhosejobis to makepeoplelaugh):
(尤指喜剧演员的)插科打诨,笑话,玩笑I did a fewopeninggags about thebandthat hadplayedbefore me.我拿表演上个节目的乐队说事,插科打诨说了几句开场白。
atrickplayedon someone or anactionperformedtoentertainotherpeople
恶作剧;滑稽动作;噱头Humour & humorous
- amusingly
- barrel
- blackly
- bone dryidiom
- bring
- broadness
- facetious
- hilarious
- jocular
- joker
- jokester
- non-serious
- photobomb
- photobombing
- playfully
- playfulness
- rib-tickling
- ridiculous
- scream
- uproarious
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cheating & tricking
uk/ɡæɡ/us/ɡæɡ/-gg-gagverb(ALMOST VOMIT)
toexperiencethesuddenuncomfortablefeelingoftightnessin thethroatandstomachthat makes youfeellike you are going tovomit:
作呕Just thesmelloflivercookingmakes me gag.用动物肝脏做的菜我一闻就想吐。
Itriedmybesttoeatit but themeatwas sofattyI gaggedonit.我尽最大的努力想吃了它,但肉太肥了,我还是想吐。
Vomiting & feelings of sickness
- airsickness
- bring
- bringsomeoneup
- carsick
- carsickness
- chunder
- disgorge
- keepsomethingdown
- nausea
- puke
- regurgitate
- retch
- sicksomethingup
- sick toyourstomachidiom
- sickeningly
- spew
- spew(something)up
- spit(something)up
- travel sickness
- vomit
to put a gag on someone'smouth:
塞住,捂住(某人的嘴)He wasboundandgagged andleftin acellfor threedays.他被绑起来,嘴里塞了布,扔在一间小囚室中关了3天。
[Toften passive]
topreventapersonororganizationfromtalkingor writing about aparticularsubject:
压制…的言论自由;限制…发言;使缄默Themediahasobviouslybeen gagged because nothing has beenreported.显然媒体已被封了口,因为什么都没有报道。
Fastening and tying
- anchor
- bale
- be locked togetheridiom
- belay
- boardsomethingup
- bolt
- bound
- bowline
- granny knot
- half hitch
- harness
- hobble
- hogtie
- stake
- strap
- strapsomeonein
- strapsomethingup
- tack
- tapesomethingup
- tether
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Interrupting & preventing from speaking
gagverb(BE EAGER)
be gagging for/to dosomethingUKslang
to be veryeagerto do something:
渴望做;急于做I was gagging for apintofcoldlager.我真想喝一品脱冰啤酒。
be gagging for itUKslang
to be veryeagerto havesex:
迫不及待要发生性关系Youwait- he'll be gagging for it!