small,whitebubbleson thesurfaceof aliquid:
(液体表面的)白沫I like the froth on thetopof thecoffee.我喜欢咖啡表面的那层白沫。
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- electrolysis
- evaporate
- evaporation
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- oxidize
- recondense
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- solidify
frothnoun[U](NOT SERIOUS)
something that is notseriousand has norealvalue, but isentertainingorattractive:
迷人而无价值的东西;浅薄空洞的东西Hisbooksare just froth, but they'reenjoyableenough.他的书没什么价值,但可读性还不错。
Rubbish and waste
- anti-litter
- anti-littering
- debris
- dejunk
- dejunking
- garbage disposal
- gubbins
- high-level waste
- influent
- jetsam
- litter
- recycle
- rubbish
- sewage
- sewerage
- shavings
- skip diving
- slag
- spoil
- white elephant
uk/frɒθ/us/frɑːθ/to (causealiquidto) have orproducea lot ofsmallbubblesthat oftenriseto thesurface:
(使)起泡沫Thewavesfrothed as theycrashedonto thebeach.浪花冲上沙滩,泛起阵阵泡沫。
When sheopenedandbottleofsoda, it frothedupandspilledall over thetable.她打开汽水瓶的时候,泡沫冲上来,撒了一桌子。
froth at the mouth
If apersonoranimalfroths at themouth, amassofsmallbubblesappearsfromtheirmouthas theresultof adisease:
(因病)口吐白沫Shelayon thefloor,writhingand frothing at themouth.
to beextremelyangry:
非常气愤Theannouncementwill have theusualcrowdfrothing at themouth.
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- electrolysis
- evaporate
- evaporation
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- oxidize
- recondense
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- solidify