fruit loopery
mainlyUSinformaluk/ˈfruːt ˌluː.pə.ri/us/ˈfruːt ˌluː.pɚ.i/behaviourorbeliefsthat aresillyorstrange:
愚蠢(或奇怪)的行为There is a lot of fruit-loopery around whatpregnantwomen should or shouldn'teat.关于孕妇应该吃什么和不应该吃什么,有很多奇怪的说法。
Can youimaginetheabsolutefruitloopery that goes on in thesemeetings?你能想象这些会议上愚蠢至极的行为吗?
- This isfruitloopery of thehighestorder.
- Some of hisideashave awhiffoffruitloopery about them.
- Ifirmlybelievethat thepeoplewhostartthiskindoftotalfruit-loopery don'tbelievea word of it.
Stupid and silly behaviour
- antics
- buffoonery
- dottiness
- dumbness
- fatuousness
- foolishness
- frivolousness
- game
- idiocy
- imprudence
- ludicrousness
- madness
- mindlessness
- oafishness
- obtuseness
- puerility
- screwball
- the games (that) people playidiom
- tomfoolery
- vacuousness