thefeelingof beingannoyedor lessconfidentbecause you cannotachievewhat youwant, or something that makes youfeellike this:
(因不能满足需求而)沮丧;令人沮丧的事物I couldsensehis frustrationatnot beingabletohelp.我可以感觉到他因无力帮忙而心感沮丧。
Thisjobhas more thanitsfairshareof frustrations.做这份工作本不该有如此多的挫折。
- angerHe vented his anger by kicking the door.
- annoyanceSmoke can cause annoyance by making clothes and hair smell unpleasant.
- irritationShe expressed irritation with her son's attitude.
- frustrationA lot of children's behaviour problems are caused by sheer frustration.
- furyThe speech provoked fury in some parts of the world.
- rageHe was filled with jealous rage when he saw his girlfriend talking to another man.
- Please don'tshout- there's no need toventyourfrustration on me.
- There is asenseof frustration among theplayers.
- Try not toletyourfrustrationspoiltheevent.
- Hisfailureto get therightjobhas a been agreatfrustration to him.
- Their frustration wasevidentto all.
Boredom, tedium and boring things
- banality
- blandness
- boredom
- bromide
- cabin fever
- commonplace
- ennui
- flatness
- insipidness
- jejune
- longueur
- screed
- snooze
- snoozefest
- sterility
- stodginess
- stuffiness
- tediousness
- treadmill
- yawn
thefactthat somethingpreventsplansoreffortsfrom beingsuccessful
阻止计划实现;防碍成就获得Preventing and impeding
- anti-jamming
- avert
- avoid
- avoidable
- bar
- be a drag onsomeone/somethingidiom
- bottleneck
- derail
- fireproof
- hang
- havesomeone/somethinghanging roundyourneckidiom
- head off
- hinder
- hogtie
- prevent
- preventable
- prevention
- prevention is better than cureidiom
- preventive
- scuttle