(alsoover-enthusiasm)uk/ˌəʊ.vər.ɪnˈθjuː.zi.æz.əm/us/ˌoʊ.vɚ.ɪnˈθuː.zi.æz.əm/too muchenthusiasm:
Shetendsto get intotroublebecause of her overenthusiasmforthecausesshesupports.
He was moreguiltyof over-enthusiasm thanillintention.
- Theirsupporters' overenthusiasm and highspiritscan sometimesleadtounfortunateincidentson thepitch.
- The overenthusiasm orincompetenceof anindividualstaffmembercan haveseriousconsequenceson theentireworkforce.
- In his over-enthusiasm, heslidacrossthefloor,bumpedinto thecounter, andknockedover thepileofcoffeecups.
Excitement, interest, energy and enthusiasm
- alacrity
- animation
- ardour
- avidity
- boosterism
- commotion
- fever pitch
- flirtation
- frenzy
- friskiness
- frisson
- frolic
- hubbub
- perkiness
- physicality
- piquancy
- pizzazz
- pzazz
- whirl
- zealousness