thefactofexperiencingsomething or beingaffectedby it because of being in aparticularsituationorplacefor toolong:
过度接触A child'sdevelopmentcan beirreversiblystuntedby overexposuretolead.过度接触铅会对儿童的发育造成不可逆转的阻碍。
They wereconcernedabouttheirchildren's overexposure toviolence.他们担心自己的孩子过度接触暴力。
- Overexposure to thesunisunhealthy.
- Keepingchildrenbusyis one way tocombatTV overexposure.
- Chronicoverexposure to the paint'svaporcanleadto asthma-likesymptoms.
Experiencing and suffering
- (straight) from the horse's mouthidiom
- afflict
- affliction
- almost/nearly die ofsomethingidiom
- be a martyr tosomethingidiom
- be a victim ofyourown successidiom
- bear
- count
- get the short end of the stickidiom
- get/haveyourfingers burnedidiom
- go through
- grip
- hands-on
- horse
- ride
- seat-of-the-pants
- see lifeidiom
- stricken
- survive
- taste
thefactof aperson,event, orinformationappearingor beingdiscussedtoo much innewspapers, on thetelevision, onsocialmedia, etc.:
(在媒体上)过度曝光Heworriesabout overexposure and how hisfriendswillreactto his newleveloffame.他担心在媒体上过度曝光,也担心朋友们对自己突然出名会有什么反应。
The showdiedasuddendeathfrom overexposure afterABCdecidedtoairit fournightsaweek.该剧在ABC决定每周晚间播出四次后因过度曝光而突然死亡。
- The mostunderestimatedriskfor apoliticianis overexposure.
- Never one tofearoverexposure, thebusinessmanandmultimediastarwilllendhisnameto anotherhigh-profilebusinessventure.
- Marketers need to maketheircommercialsmoreentertainingandguardagainst overexposure.
Advertising and marketing
- ad
- ad agency
- adman
- advert
- advertise
- cross-selling
- customer relationship management
- detoxify
- dogfooding
- flyer
- non-brand
- o.n.o.
- obo
- off-brand
- on-brand
- superhype
- teaser
- telemarketing
- tie(something)in
- tout
thefactof apieceoffilmbeing in thelightfor toolongwhen aphotographis being taken:
(相片)感光过度Herescuedthephotofrom overexposure andprocessedit in hisdarkroom.他将照片从感光过度中抢救出来,并在暗房中进行了处理。
Thephotographswerepartiallybleachedby overexposure.照片因感光过度而部分发白。
- Thenegativescan berescuedif overexposure is not toosevere.
- Overexposure of thenegativeproducesalighterthannormalprint.
- The mostcommoncauseof overexposure isareasofdarknessthatfoolthemeterintothinkingthere's too littlelight, whichresultsinhighlightsthat areblownout.
- airbrush
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera
- camera obscura
- expose
- glossy
- grain
- high-resolution
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- pap
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- pix
- projection