theabilitytowait, or tocontinuedoing somethingdespitedifficulties, or tosufferwithoutcomplainingorbecomingannoyed:
忍耐,耐心You have to have a lot of patience when you'redealingwithkids.
In the end Ilostmy patience andshoutedat her.最后我失去了耐心,对她大吼大叫起来。
He's a goodteacher, but he doesn't have much patiencewiththeslowerpupils.他是个好老师,但对较迟钝的学生没多大耐心。
Making small-scalemodelstakes/requiresagreatdealof patience.做小型模型需要极大的耐心。
Theiryoungestsonwasbeginningtotrymy patience(=annoyme).他们的小儿子开始让我忍无可忍。
Patience - they'll be heresoon!别急——他们马上就到!
to get angry
- lose your temperShe never lost her temper, never raised her voice.
- explodeShe exploded with rage when she was mistaken for a cleaning lady.
- eruptMy ex-husband would erupt over little things.
- lose (your) patienceShe was starting to lose her patience with him.
- become enragedHe became enraged and crashed out of the room.
- fly into a rageI never saw him fly into a rage or treat anyone cruelly.
- I'msorrybut my patience iswearingthin.
- My patience isbeginningtorunout.
- He has the patience of asaintwith thosekids.
- I'mafraidhe'sexhaustedmy patience.
- Hekeptoncryingand Ilostmy patience.
Patient and uncomplaining
- dove
- equable
- equably
- equanimity
- even-tempered
- forbearing
- long-suffering
- non-combative
- pacific
- patient
- patiently
- peace-loving
- peaceably
- stoically
- stoicism
- the patience of Jobidiom
- uncomplaining
- uncomplainingly
patiencenoun[U](CARD GAME)
agameplayedwithcardsby oneperson
3bugsmom/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Card games
- all in
- bidding
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- joker
- pass
- pool
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- royal flush
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
have the patience of a saint
the patience of Job