mainlyUKuk/ˈɡæm.ən/us/ˈɡæm.ən/gammonnoun(MEAT FROM PIG)
meattaken from the backlegorsideof apigandpreservedwithsmokeorsalt; atypeofham:
腌猪后腿;熏猪肋肉This gammon isdelicious.
Hehelpedhimself to asliceof gammon.

- Serve the gammonwarmorcoldwithpickledpears.
- Turn the gammon overonceduringcooking.
- If you would like tocookthe gammon athome,placethejointin aroastingtinon abedofbayleaves.
Kinds of meat
- back bacon
- bacon
- biltong
- broiler
- burnt ends
- dark meat
- duck
- filet mignon
- fryer
- guinea fowl
- mutton
- pancetta
- Parma ham
- partridge
- pastrami
- squab
- turkey
- veal
- venison
- Wagyu
anoffensiveword for someone whoseopinionsare veryright-wing(=supportingthepoliticalright), usedmainlyaboutwhitemen who aremiddle-aged(= from about 45 to 60yearsold):
He's just anoldgammonstuckin the past.
What anunpleasantbunchofangry,dim-wittedgammon they are.
- Getyourfactsstraightfirst youcompletegammon!
- Look at those gammonclappingeverytime"standingup to Johnny Foreigner" ismentioned.
- Having topayfor the TVlicencehas got the gammon up inarms.