uk/ˈɡæm.ət/us/ˈɡæm.ət/arangeof different things orpeople:
In herstoriessheexpressesthewholegamutofemotions, fromhappinesstosorrow.
Alternativemedicinecoversa gamut ofunconventionalmedicalpracticesincludingacupuncture,homeopathy, andtraditionalOrientalmedicine.
Hisworkspansthe gamutfromcomedytooperatodramamystery.
She isabletotalknaturallytothefullgamut ofpeople, fromstreetpeopleto thepresident.
run the gamut ofsomething
toexperienceor show thewholepossiblerangeof something:
Jonson hasrunthe gamut ofhotelwork, fromportertoownerof alargechainofhotels.
Range and limits
- all the way toidiom
- ambit
- anywhere
- band
- bound
- condition
- glass ceiling
- limit
- limited
- meta
- multiparameter
- realm
- restricted
- scope
- specialized
- spectrum
- spread
- stretch
- string
- strings attachedidiom