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A, anoun(LETTER)[CorU]the firstletterof theEnglishalphabet (英语字母表的第一个字母) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLetters of alphabets - alphabet
- alphabetic
- alphabetical
- alphabetically
- alphabetization
- alphanumeric
- alphanumerically
- B, b
- delta
- gamma
- I, i
- iota
- J, j
- K, k
- kappa
- rho
- S, s
- sigma
- T, t
- tau
See more results » A, anoun(MUSIC)[CorU]anoteinWesternmusic: A音 Thisconcertois in thekeyof Amajor.这支协奏曲是 A 大调。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNotes of the musical scale - B, b
- C, c
- D, d
- doh
- E, e
- flat
- high doh
- la
- lah
- major
- mi
- middle C
- minor
- register
- scale
- semitone
- soh
- sol
- sol-fa
- te
See more results » A, anoun(MARK)[CorU]amarkin anexamor for apieceofworkthatshowsthatyourworkisconsideredexcellent: (学业成绩)A,优,甲 Sophiegotan A forEnglish.苏菲英语得了个 A。 She gotstraightAs(= all hermarkswere As)in herfinalexams.她期末考试各科成绩均为 A。 Jimis astraight-Astudent(= all hismarksare A).吉姆是个全优生。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMarks & results - 2:1
- 2:2
- B, b
- C, c
- class
- continuous assessment
- grade boundary
- grade-point average
- honor student
- honours student
- mark
- pass rate
- passing grade
- positivity
- second
- second class
- straight-A
- summative
- third
See more results » adeterminer(NOT PARTICULAR)A1used before anounto refer to asinglething orpersonthat has not beenmentionedbefore,especiallywhen you are not referring to aparticularthing orperson: I'veboughtacar. She's got aboyfriend. There was asuddenloudnoise. What ashamethat you couldn't go to theparty. Iheardachildcrying. Is he afriendofyours(= one ofyourfriends)? A1used to say whattypeof thing orpersonsomething or someone is: Shewantsto be adoctorwhen shegrowsup. This is a verymildcheese. Expertsthinkthepaintingmay be a Picasso(= by Picasso). A1used tomeanany or every thing orpersonof thetypeyou are referring to: Can yourideabike? Acheetahcanrunfasterthan alion. Ateacherneedsto have a lot ofpatience. used before someuncountablenounswhen youwanttolimittheirmeaningin some way, such as whendescribingthem morecompletelyor referring to oneexampleof them: I only have alimitedknowledgeofSpanish. He has agreatloveofmusic. There was afiercenessin hervoice. A2used before somenounsofactionwhen referring to oneexampleof theaction: Take alookat this, Jez. I'm just going to have asnack. There was aknockingat thedoor. A2used when referring to aunitorcontainerof something,especiallysomething youeatordrink: I'dloveacoffee. All I had forlunchwas ayogurt. A2used before the first but not the second of twonounsthat are referred to as oneunit: acupandsaucer aknifeandfork A2used before some words thatexpressanumberoramount: a fewdays abitofwool a lot ofmoney used infrontof a person'snamewhen referring to someone who you do notknow: There's a Ms Evans toseeyou. used infrontof someone'sfamilynamewhen they are amemberof thatfamily: Is that a Wilson over there? used before thenameof adayormonthto refer to oneexampleof it: Mybirthdayis on aFridaythisyear. It's been a verywetJune. - What is theusualpayfor ajoblike this one?
- Suddenly adogranout into theroadinfrontof us.
- Thecustomersaid she'd like thiscoatif it was anicercolour.
- Colin told ajokeabout apostman, but it wasn't veryfunny.
- Shall Ibringabottleofwinewith me?
adeterminer(ONE)a hundred a thousand adozen There were three men and a woman. A2used between afractionand aunitofmeasurement: halfamile aquarterof akilo threequartersof anhour sixtenthsof a second A2used when saying how often somethinghappensin acertainperiod: Take onetabletthreetimesaday. Iswimonceaweek. A2used when saying how much someoneearnsor how much somethingcostsin acertainperiod: Sheearns$100,000 ayear. Myplumbercharges£30 anhour. Ipay£25 aweekfor myparkingpermit. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNumbers: cardinal, including nought & zero - B, b
- bi
- deca-
- eleven
- fifteen
- five
- forty
- googol
- milliard
- multi-trillion
- nineteen
- ninety
- null
- seventy
- six
- ten
- thirty
- trillion
- twelve
- unit
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Fractions Linguistics: both, all, each & every GrammarA/anandthe A/an and the are articles. They are a type of determiner and they go before a noun.… A/anandthe:meaning A/an and the are articles. They are a type of determiner and they go before a noun.… When do we useaand when do we usean? In speaking, we use a /ə/ before a consonant sound:… How do we pronouncethe? We pronounce the in two ways depending on whether the sound which comes after the is a vowel or a consonant:… When do we use articles? … A/anandthe: typical errors We don’t use the with plural nouns when we are referring to things in general:… Anoun(ELECTRICITY)written abbreviationforamp SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesElectricity - units - amp
- amperage
- coulomb
- electron
- erg
- kilowatt
- lumen
- megawatt
- microcoulomb
- milliampere
- muon
- ohm
- terawatt
- the Faraday constant
- volt
- voltage
- W, w
- watt
- wattage
(Definition ofA, afrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)A, anoun(LETTER)[CorU]the firstletterof theEnglishalphabet (英语字母表的第一个字母) A, anoun(MUSIC)[CorU]anoteinWesternmusic A音Thisconcertois in thekeyof Amajor.这支协奏曲是 A 大调。 A, anoun(MARK)[CorU]amarkin anexamor for apieceofworkthatshowsthatyourworkisconsideredexcellent (学业成绩)A,优,甲Sophiegotan A forEnglish.苏菲英语得了个 A。 She gotstraightAs(= all hermarkswere As)in herfinalexams.她期末考试各科成绩均为 A。 Jim is astraight-Astudent(= all hismarksare A).吉姆是个全优生。 apreposition(EACH OR EVERY)in or for each or every;per: Take onetabletthreetimesaday. Theseshoescost$30 apair. Anoun(LETTER)[C](alsoa)pluralA’sora’sthe firstletterof theEnglishalphabet Anoun(MUSICAL NOTE)[C/U]musicpluralA’sorAsinWesternmusic, the sixthnotein thescale(=seriesofnotes)thatbeginson thenoteC, or a set ofnotesbasedon thisnote Anoun(MARK)[C]pluralA’sorAsamarkthatmeansexcellent, given to something of thehighestquality,esp.schoolwork: Theteachergave me an A for myessay. (Definition ofafrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/a## |