(UKusuallyreharmonise);(re-harmonize,re-harmonise)uk/ˌriːˈhɑː.mə.naɪz/us/ˌriːˈhɑːr.mə.naɪz/reharmonizeverb[I or T](MUSIC)
toadddifferentharmonies(=soundsmade by differentnotesbeingplayedorsungat the sametime)to apieceofmusic:
Iwantto reharmonize thesongtobringout thebeautyof themelody.
The next twobarsrepeatthemelodyand reharmonizeitsclose.
- She reharmonizes thesongsso that theysoundmore likejazz.
- The nextsectiontransformsthematerialand reharmonises it in arousingfinale.
- Theclosingpassagereharmonizes theoriginalmotif.
Writing, reading & studying music
- anti-musical
- bar
- canon
- canonical
- compose
- composition
- compositional
- musical
- musically
- musicologist
- musicology
- non-musical
- orchestrate
- rescore
- setting
- sheet music
- sight-read
- sight-reading
- sol-fa
- unmusical
reharmonizeverb[I or T](MATCH)
tobecomesuitablefor aparticularsituationagain, or to make differentpeople,plans,situations, etc.suitablefor each other again:
Sheurgedus to reharmonize withancientformsofknowledge.
We need to re-harmonizeourbodiesto thepatternsandcyclesofnature.
- Hebelievesthat we can all reharmonize ourselves asourancestorsoncedid.
- Thevibrationsstimulatethebodyto reharmonise itself.
Balance and imbalance
- accord withsomething
- align
- asymmetric
- balance(something)out/up
- balance of power
- balanced
- harmonious
- harmonize
- harmony
- imbalance
- inharmonious
- jar
- off balance
- on an even keelidiom
- one man's loss is another man's gainidiom
- realign
- realignment
- unharmonious
- well balanced
- well rounded