(alsore-mate)uk/ˌriːˈmeɪt/us/ˌriːˈmeɪt/(of ananimal) to havesexinordertoproduceyoungagain; to make ananimaldo this:
Thefemalesof thisspeciesrematefrequently.
Thesilkwormcan remateimmediatelyafter asexualencounter.
Females that were notpregnantwithin twomonthsofmatingwere re-mated to differentmales.
- Events thatoccurduring thebreedingseasoncanaffectan animal'stendencyto remate.
- Thebirdquicklyre-mated,builta newnest, andlaidadozeneggsin it.
Animal reproduction
- androgen
- anti-oestrogen
- asexuality
- asexually
- barrenness
- calf
- embryology
- fertility
- fertilize
- fetal
- infertile
- procreation
- procreative
- propagation
- rebreed
- repopulate
- reproductive
- semen
- spawning ground
- sterility