toleaveaplace, thing, orperson, usually forever:
离弃;放弃;抛弃;遗弃We had to abandon thecar.我们不得不弃车而去。
By thetimetherebeltroopsarrived, thevillagehad already been abandoned.当叛军杀到时,村民们已经撤离了村子。
As ababyhe was abandoned by hismother.他在襁褓之中就被母亲遗弃了。
We weresinkingfast, and thecaptaingave theorderto abandonship.我们的船下沉得很快,船长下令弃船。
- Ifdisturbed, thebirdmay abandon thenest,leavingthechickstodie.
- It was hisinstinctforself-preservationthatledhim to abandon hisformerfriendsandtransferhisallegianceto the newrulers.
- According to aneyewitnessaccount, thethievesabandonedtheirvehiclenear thesceneof therobberyand thenranoff.
- Thepolicearetryingtotracethemotherof anewbornbabyfoundabandonedoutsideahospital.
- Thehousehad been abandoned for severalyearsbefore theydecidedtodemolishit.
- abandonment
- absquatulate
- backward
- be ready to rollidiom
- bog
- move
- p.o.q.
- peel away/off
- piss off
- pull
- pull out
- pullsomethingoff
- push along
- sea
- strike
- turfsomethingout
- vacate
- vamoose
- walk
- walk off(somewhere)
tostopdoing anactivitybefore you havefinishedit:
中止Thegamewas abandoned athalf-timebecause of thepoorweatherconditions.由于天气状况太差,比赛进行了一半就停止了。
They had to abandontheirattempttoclimbthemountain.他们被迫中止登山计划。
Thepartyhas now abandoneditspolicyofunilateraldisarmament.该政党已经废止了其单方面裁军的政策。
to cancel something
- cancelSorry, I have to cancel our plans tonight.
- call offThe game has been called off because of the weather.
- offThe meeting's off because James is ill.
- scrapWe've scrapped our plans for a trip to France.
- suspendThe ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.
- postponeWe've postponed the wedding until next year.
- Sweden isn'tlikelyeverto abandonitstraditionalneutrality.
- Pressure to abandon the newmotorwayisincreasing.
- We wereunableto getfundingandthereforehad to abandon theproject.
- A lot offarmingtechniqueshave been abandoned because they were toolabour-intensive.
- MostEuropeancountrieshave abandonedlawsthat makevagrancyacrime.
Causing something to end
- abandonment
- all good things (must) come to an endidiom
- and have done with itidiom
- be over the humpidiom
- bitter
- draw
- killsomethingstone-deadidiom
- knock
- knock off (something)
- lay
- laysomeoneto restidiom
- lay the ghost ofsomething(to rest)idiom
- lid
- lift
- raise
- staunch
- stem
- stopper
- stranglesomethingat birthidiom
- subdue
toallowyourself to becontrolledcompletelyby afeelingor way ofliving:
放纵;使沉溺于He abandoned himself to hisemotions.他完全受自己情绪左右。
literaryuk/əˈbæn.dən/us/əˈbæn.dən/with (gay/wild) abandon
in acompletelyuncontrolledway: