uk/ˈɡeə.rɪʃ.li/us/ˈɡer.ɪʃ.li/in a way that isunpleasantlybright:
过分鲜艳地;花哨地;炫目地acouplein garishlycolouredskisuits一对身着色彩艳丽滑雪服的夫妇
Theytravelin a garishlypaintedtourbus.他们乘坐一辆色彩华丽的旅游巴士旅行。
- Theparadeincludesdancerson garishlydecoratedfloats.
- Mytasteis for thebrash,childish, cartoon-like and garishlycolourful.
- Anarmyof garishlydressedtouristssnapaway at thebuildings.
- Gamblershunchbefore garishlyilluminatedslotmachines.
- Thebarhas Formica-toppedtablesand garishlypatternedwallpaper.
The qualities of colour
- brightly
- brightness
- colourful
- colourfully
- darken
- darkness
- dusky
- flamboyance
- fluorescent
- garish
- harsh
- lurid
- non-yellowing
- pastel
- prismatic
- pure
- riot
- sombrely
- violent
- vivid