uk/ˈɡuː.i.dʌk/us/ˈɡuː.i.dʌk/(alsogeoduck clam)atypeoflargeclam(= aseacreaturewith ashellwith twoparts)that has asmallshelland alargersoftpartthatsticksout from theshell. It iseatenas aspecialfoodin somecountries:
北美大蛤,女神蛤The geoduck issaltyandcrunchylike apickle.女神蛤是咸味的,像咸菜一样脆脆的。
Whatimpactwill geoduckfarminghave on theharvestofwildgeoducks?北美大蛤养殖会对野生北美大蛤捕捞产生什么影响?

ThamKC/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- The geoduck is ahugeclamfoundon thePacificcoastofNorthAmerica.
- Itseemsunlikelythat the geoduckclamwilleverbecomeastapleon the Britishdinnertable.
- Neighboursopposedhis family'splanstodevelopa geoduckfarm.
Fish & seafood
- abalone
- albacore
- American shad
- barramundi
- bay scallop
- court bouillon
- crab
- crabmeat
- crappie
- crawdad
- gravlax
- grouper
- hard-shell clam
- hoki
- kipper
- roe
- saltfish
- sashimi
- scampi
- sea bass