tooffersomething to someone, or toprovidesomeone with something:
送给;提供;赠与;给予[+ two objects]She gave us a set ofsaucepansas aweddingpresent.她送我的结婚礼物是一套深平底锅。
Can you give me adatefor anotherappointment?我能再和您约个时间吗?
They never gave me achance/choice.他们从来就没给过我机会/选择余地。
Has thedirectorgiven youpermissionto do that?主任允许你那样做了吗?
[+ adv/prep]We alwaystryto givetocharity.我们总是尽量向慈善机构捐款捐物。
We'recollectingfor the children'shome-pleasegivegenerously.我们是在为儿童福利院募捐——请慷慨解囊。
Thepolicegave(out)road-safetybookletstothechildren(= gave them to all thechildren).警方向孩子们分发道路交通安全的宣传册。
Please give(up)yourseatto anelderlyordisabledpersonif they need it.如果老年人或残疾人士需要你让座,请配合。
to give something to someone
- giveGive me that dirty plate.
- offerYour doctor should be able to offer advice.
- provideThis booklet provides useful information about local services.
- supplyThe lake supplies the whole town with water.
- donateFour hundred dollars has been donated to the school book fund.
to accommodate someone
- accommodateThere aren’t enough rooms to accommodate all the students.
- give accommodation toThe university gives free accommodation to nursing students.
- provide accommodation toWe only provide accommodation to first-year students.
- lodgeStudents will be lodged with host families.
- houseThe base can house up to 2,000 soldiers.
- put someone upI can put you up for a couple of nights.
topaysomeone aparticularamount:
支付;付(款)I gave thetaxidriver£20 and told him tokeepthechange.我给了出租车司机20英镑,让他把余下的留下当小费。
give ofyourmoney, time,etc.formal
to giveyourmoney,time, orbestefforts,especiallyin a way thatseemsgenerous:
(尤指慷慨地)献出金钱/投入时间/付出最大努力(等等)We're verygratefulto all thepeoplewho have given oftheirtime.我们非常感谢所有投入了宝贵时间的人。
to put a lot ofeffortinto doing something:
全力以赴(做某事),不遗余力(做某事)We must befinishedbytonight, so Iwantyou to give ityourall.我们今晚一定要做完,所以我希望你们要全力以赴。
totellsomeone something:
告诉;说出;说明The winner'snamewas given(out)/They gave the winner'sname(out)on thenews.获胜者的名字在新闻报道中公布了/新闻报道公布了获胜者的名字。
[+ two objects]Can you give Jo amessagefor me?你能替我给乔捎个口信吗?
to tell someone something
- tellMy friend told me you were looking for me.
- let someone knowLet me know if you'd like to come.
- giveCan you give the message to Jo?
- communicateA 60-second TV commercial isn't always the best way to communicate a complex medical message.
- informThe relatives of the injured have been informed of the accident.
- notifyThe school has to notify parents if their children do not arrive at school.
topunishsomeone bysendingthem toprisonfor aparticularperiod:
判处(某人监禁)[+ two objects]If you'refoundguilty, they'll give you threeyears.如果你被裁定有罪,他们会判你3年监禁。
给…限定期限;限定,规定(时间)[+ two objects]I'mnearlyready- just give me acoupleofminutes.我快准备好了——再给我两三分钟就可以。
tocalculatethat something will last aparticularamountoftime:
估计将持续(…时间)[+ two objects]Look at thatoldcarshebought- I give it twoweeksbefore itbreaksdown.看看她买的那辆老爷车吧——我估计两星期就得坏。
- Can you give anyevidencetosupportyourclaim?
- I'm never going toguesstheanswerif you don't give me aclue.
- Thelettersthatpeoplewroteafter hisdeathgave me a lot ofcomfort.
- Alovingfamilyenvironmentgiveschildrenthatsenseofstabilityandpermanencewhich they need.
- I'm abitwaryof/about givingpeoplemyaddresswhen I don'tknowthem very well.
Giving, providing and supplying
- accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- dish
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- passing
- reassignment
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- spare
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Paying money
Announcing, informing & stating
Putting people in prison
Allowing and permitting
Predicting things and intuition
生产,产生;引起[+ two objects]Thefreshairgave us anappetite(= made ushungry).新鲜的空气使得我们胃口大开。
What you said has given me anidea.你的话使我产生了一个想法。
givesomeoneto understandsomethingformal
totellsomeone something orcausesomeone tothinkthat something istrue:
使(某人)知道(某事);使(某人)相信(…确有其事)I was given tounderstandshe wasstayingat thishotel.别人告诉我她住在这家旅馆。
- Thephotocopieris giving me allsortsofproblems.
- Thenoiseandheatof theofficewas giving him aheadache.
- Thesuccessof theteamgave themanagergreatsatisfaction.
- The teacher'scommentsgave herconfidence.
- Theredcarpetgave theceremonyarealsenseofoccasion.
Creating and producing
- anti-creative
- artefact
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- barrenness
- bash
- generate
- handmade
- knock
- knock off (something)
- knocksomeoneout
- knocksomethingtogether/up
- mint
- rollout
- runsomethingup
- rushsomethingout
- sand-cast
- scaresomethingup
- spin
- yield
做(动作)[+ two objects]She gave me asmile/strangelook.她向我微笑了一下/用奇怪的眼神看了我一眼。
They had to give thecarapushtostartit.他们只好推着汽车把它发动起来。
Give me acall/ring(=phoneme)when you get back fromholiday.你度假回来后给我打个电话。
Who is giving thespeech/lecture/concert?谁要讲演/作报告/举行音乐会?
toorganizeaparty,meal, etc.:
举办,举行They're always givingparties.他们老是举办聚会。
Theambassadoris giving abanquetfor thevisitingpresident.大使将举办宴会欢迎来访的总统。
givesomethinga go
尝试,试做Only a fewpeoplearesuccessfulasprofessionalathletes, but it'sworthgivingita go.只有极少数职业运动员能取得成功,但是却很值得去尝试一下。
[T+ two objects]formal
to saypubliclythat everyonepresentat aformaloccasion,especiallyameal, shoulddrinkatoastto someone(= have adrinkinhonourof someone):
(尤指在正式宴会上)提议为(某人)干杯Ladiesand Gentlemen, I give you thepresident!先生们,为总统干杯!
- Tocelebratehisbirthday,Tonygave aparty.
- Theproducergave apartytothankall thepeoplewho hadhelpedin the making of thefilm.
- She gave asighofreliefas thecarcame to astop.
- Just give theendsatrim,please.
- If you don't give it a go, you'll neverknowwhat you could haveachieved.
Acting and acts
- (your)every moveidiom
- -ation
- act
- act/dosomethingonyourown responsibilityidiom
- activity
- agency
- ant
- er
- execution
- exploit
- fait accompli
- move
- responsibility
- role play
- rot
- step
- step up
- stuff
- talk
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Managing and organizing
Drinking alcohol
If something gives, itstretches,bends, orbreaks, orbecomeslessfirmortight, underpressure:
(在压力下)伸长,弯曲,断裂,变松Theropegaveunder/withtheweightof theload.装载的东西太沉,绳子断掉了。
Theshoeswill give a little after you'vewornthemonceortwice.鞋穿过一两次后就不那么紧了。
figurativeYou can'tworkso hard all thetime- something will have to give(=change).你不能总是那么没日没夜地拼命工作——有些事必须得变一变了。
figurativeSuddenly herpatiencegave(out)and sheshoutedangrilyat thechildren.她突然失去了耐心,冲着孩子们怒吼起来。
Becoming bigger
- accrete
- accrue
- anti-growth
- bell
- billow
- bump
- elongate
- engorged
- enlarge
- enlargement
- expansion
- extension
- oak
- pile
- puff up
- putsomethingon
- regenerate
- scalability
- scalable
- stretch
[T+ obj + adj]UK
in somesports, todecideandstateofficiallythat aplayeror theballis in aparticularconditionorplace:
裁定,判(球员或球所处的位置)Theumpiregave thebatsmanout.裁判员判击球手出局。
Theballwasclearlyout, but thelinejudgegave it in.球明显出界,但是边裁却判定是界内球。
Announcing, informing & stating
- acquaintsomeone/yourselfwithsomething
- affirm
- annunciation
- avowedly
- awaken
- awakensomeonetosomething
- break
- break it/the news tosomeoneidiom
- breathe/say a wordidiom
- disseminate
- known
- on the recordidiom
- pass
- proclamation
- putsomethingout ofitsmiseryidiom
- rapporteur
- resensitize
- rollout
- self-anointed
- statement
don't give me that!
give as good asyouget
give or take
give me ... any day/every time!
give way
givesomeonewhat for
given the chance/choice
what I wouldn't give forsomething
Iwould give anything/a lot
Phrasal verbs
give in
give ontosomething
give out
give over
givesomethingover tosomething/someone
giveyourselfover/up tosomething
give up
give upsomething
give up(something)
give up onsomeone/something
uk/ɡɪv/us/ɡɪv/thequalityofstretching,bending, orbreaking, orbecominglessfirmortight, underpressure:
(在压力下)伸长,弯曲,断裂,变松Asweaterknittedinpurecottondoesn't have much give(= will notstretchmuch).纯棉编织衫的弹性不大。
springnoun(CURVED METAL)
Flexible, loose and yielding
- adrift
- bendable
- bendy
- ductile
- ductility
- flowing
- fullness
- jointed
- limply
- limpness
- loose-fitting
- pliant
- pliantly
- relax
- rubbery
- slack
- slacken
- tensile
- unstuck
- yielding