Paleo diet
trademarkuk/ˈpæl.i.əʊ ˌdaɪ.ət/us/ˈpæl.i.oʊ ˌdaɪ.ət/thenameof atypeofeatingplanin whichpeopleeatunprocessedfoods(=onesnottreatedbyindustrialprocesses)such asmeat,fish,eggs, andnuts, either inordertoloseweightor to be morehealthy:
原始饮食(为减重或保持健康只食用未经加工的食品的饮食方式)The Paleodietisgluten,dairyandpreservativefree.原始饮食不含麸质、乳制品和防腐剂。
Stevelikedthe Paleo diet'sfocuson good,clean,realfood.史蒂夫喜欢原始饮食对优质、洁净和天然食材的注重。
- The Paleodietis themoderncavemandiet.
- Shebelieveswhole-heartedly in the Paleodiet.
- Some of thefoodsrestrictedon the Paleodiethavenutritionalbenefits.
Diets & dieting
- caloric
- calorie
- calorie-controlled
- calorific
- carb-free
- clean eating
- cleanse
- diabetic
- dieter
- fatty
- functional food
- ketogenic diet
- lacto-ovo vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarian
- lacto-vegetarianism
- locavore
- macrobiotic
- malnourished
- nutraceutical
- well balanced