uk/ˌəʊ.vərˈiːtʃ/us/ˌoʊ.vɚˈriːtʃ/overreach yourself
tofailbytryingtoachieve,spend, or do more than you canmanage:
自不量力,好高骛远;贪功致败Companies that overreach themselvessoonfindthemselves indebt.好高骛远的公司很快就会债务缠身。
Failing and doing badly
- abjectly
- at-risk
- backbencher
- balls(something)up
- be on your beam endsidiom
- blow
- bomb
- collapse
- fall to piecesidiom
- fight a losing battleidiom
- flog
- flog a dead horseidiom
- flop
- founder
- rot
- running on emptyidiom
- sclerotic
- screw
- smoke
- the rot sets inidiom
to do more thanyourauthorityallows:
Some U. N.officialschargedthat theinvestigatorshad overreachedtheirauthority.
It was awarningto the Floridacourtnot to overreachitspowers.
- Statehealthauthoritiesare overreachingtheirauthority.
- TheSupremeCourtruledthat the FDA had overreacheditsauthority.
- When acourtoverreachesitsboundsanddecidestolegislatefrom thebench, it'sprettyhard tooverturnthat.
Bad and wrong behaviour
- act out
- angel
- astray
- atyourworstidiom
- beup to no goodidiom
- go off the railsidiom
- go round
- impossible
- in flagrante
- incorrigible
- rakish
- rakishly
- rakishness
- rascally
- reprehensible
- villainy
- while the cat's away, the mice will playidiom
- worst
- wrongdoing
uk/ˈəʊ.vər.iːtʃ/us/ˈoʊ.vɚˌriːtʃ/overreachnoun[C or U](DOING TOO MUCH)
theactof doing more thanyourauthorityallows:
Courtsactas asafeguardagainstexecutiveoverreach inindividualcounter-terrorismcases.
Already there aresignsofregulatoryoverreach.
- Advocates forillegalimmigrantscondemnedtheDNAcollectionas an overreach by thegovernment.
- There's arealdangerof overreach ," says Ross Baker, apoliticalscientistat Rutgers University
- The Democrats onCapitolHillrecognisetherisksof overreach.
- Hisabuseofpowerfindingwas theresultof an "overreach" by theinvestigatorwho went beyond "theintentof theoriginal"inquiry.
Bad and wrong behaviour
- act out
- angel
- astray
- atyourworstidiom
- beup to no goodidiom
- go off the railsidiom
- go round
- impossible
- in flagrante
- incorrigible
- rakish
- rakishly
- rakishness
- rascally
- reprehensible
- villainy
- while the cat's away, the mice will playidiom
- worst
- wrongdoing
overreachnoun[C or U](INJURY)
aninjuryto a horse'sfootcausedby thefootreachingtoofarforwardwhen thehorseismoving:
He was in theleadwhen hesufferedan overreach and had toretire.
- Hesufferedanastyoverreach.
- The six-year-oldsufferedan overreach whenwinningthe Tingle Creek Chase.
- Lingo wasruledout of theSupremeNovices' Hurdle with an overreach.
Injuring and injuries
- at-risk
- be in the warsidiom
- bite
- boo-boo
- cripple
- disable
- harm
- injure
- injury
- lesion
- lesional
- reinjury
- scarred
- scathe
- sprain
- strain
- trample
- trauma
- victim
- wounded