tojudgeordecidetheamount,value,quality, orimportanceof something:
评价;评定;对…估价Theinsurerswill need to assess theflooddamage.保险公司需要对洪水造成的损失进行估定。
They assessed thecostof theflooddamageat£2,500.他们估定洪水造成的损失为2500英镑。
Exams are not the onlymeansof assessing a student'sability.考试并不是评定学生能力的唯一手段。
It's too early to assess thelong-termconsequencesof the twocountries'union.现在判定两国联盟的长期影响还为时过早。
[+ question word]We need to assesswhethertheprojectisworthdoing.我们需要评估一下这个项目是否值得去做。
- Under thetutelageof Professor Roberts, the 900delegatesassessed anddiscussedthesocialmarketeconomy.
- Therateofbreakdownofmuscleproteinwas assessed.
- Weexpectthe newschemefor assessingclaimsto come intooperationearly nextyear.
- Authorities are assessingdamagecausedby last night'sstormyweather.
- They couldn'tagreethebestway to assesstheirstudents.
Analysing and evaluating
- adjudication
- analysable
- analyse
- analyser
- enquiry
- gauge
- go through
- have the measure ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- inspect
- inspection
- interpretable
- probe
- reinterpretation
- reinvestigate
- reinvestigation
- research
- risk assessment
- scratch
- the acid test
- vet