Have gotandhavemean the same.Have gotis more informal. We usehave (got)here to refer to both verbs:
I’ve gota terrible pain in my back.
Ihavea terrible pain in my back.(more formal)
Theyhaven’t gota car.
They don’thavea car.(more formal)
We usehave(got) to talk about possession, relationships, characteristics and illnesses. In these contexts, it is not used in the continuous form:
She’s gottwo cats and a dog.
Shehastwo cats and a dog.
Not:She is having got two cats and a dog.
Haveyougota drill?
Do youhavea drill?(more formal)
How many brothershaveyougot?
How many brothers do youhave?(more formal)
She’s got anew boyfriend.
Shehasa new boyfriend.(more formal)
She’s gota delightful voice.
Shehasa delightful voice.(more formal)
It’s got153 calories and 45g of carbohydrates.
Ithas153 calories and 45g of carbohydrates.(more formal)
Ihaveneverhadthe measles.
She’s gota headache.
Not:She is having a headache.