noun[C,+ sing/pl verb]
uk/ˈɡær.ɪ.sən/us/ˈɡer.ə.sən/agroupofsoldierslivingin ordefendingatownorbuilding, or thebuildingsthat thesoldierslivein:
卫戍部队,守备部队;卫戍区,驻防地The 100-strong garrison hadreceivednosuppliesfor aweek.这支100人的守备部队已经一个星期没有得到补给了。
a garrisontown有驻防的城市
Places involved in military activity
- air bridge
- air corridor
- bases
- Bastille
- battlefield
- battleground
- camp
- emplacement
- enceinte
- fort
- front
- front-line
- multi-front
- observation post
- obstacle course
- parade ground
- PX
- redoubt
- theatre
verb[Tusually passive+ adv/prep]
uk/ˈɡær.ɪ.sən/us/ˈɡer.ɪ.sən/to put agroupofsoldiersin aplaceinordertolivethere anddefendit:
派(兵)驻防Troops are garrisoned in thearea.部队在这个地区驻防。
Military training & ceremonies
- assault course
- civil defence
- double time
- drill
- ease
- fall
- fall in
- fatigue
- fight song
- march
- parade
- pass out
- recon
- reconnaissance
- route march
- salute
- take the saluteidiom
- tour
- tour of duty
- troop