fromEnglish Grammar Today
Insideis an adjective, noun,adverb or preposition.We useinsidewhen we refer to the inner part of something.
Insideas an adjective
I think I’ve left my phone in theinsidepocket of my brown jacket. Could you have a look for me?
Insideas a noun
I’m just going to clean theinsideof the car. It’s all covered in dust and dirt.
Theinsideof the castle was cold and damp, there was very little light and I was sure there were ghosts everywhere.
Insideas an adverb
Are you looking for Anna? She’sinside. Do come in.
It was a Buddhist temple and we took our shoes off before goinginside.
Insideas a preposition
Those shoes look a bit uncomfortable. Can you really move your toesinsidethem?
You can get to London by traininsidetwo hours.(within; inless than two hours)