uk/ɡiː/us/ɡiː/clarifiedbutter(=butterwith thewaterandmilksolidsremovedbyheating)used inSouthAsiancooking:
Thegrainismixedwith ghee (clarifiedbutter).
In the back of therestaurantarecansof ghee.

Fuzullhanum/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Most of therecipesarebasedon fourcookingtechniques:seasoningwithhotoil,seasoningwithhotghee,cookingwithpowderedspices, andcookingwithspicepaste.
- Thelampshavecottonwicksthat aredrenchedin ghee, orclarifiedbutter.
- Thevegetablecurrymay not be sohealthyif it isloadedwith ghee.
Fats & oils in food & cooking
- argan oil
- bergamot
- beurre noisette
- brown butter
- butter
- cooking spray
- corn oil
- cottonseed oil
- creamed coconut
- deep fat
- hydrogenated
- lard
- leaf lard
- margarine
- milk fat
- monounsaturated
- non-greasy
- polyunsaturated
- vegetable oil
- virgin