uk/əˌsɪm.ɪˈleɪ.ʃən.ɪst/us/əˌsɪm.əˈleɪ.ʃən.ɪst/apersonwhosupportstheideathat differentculturalgroupsorracesin acountry,society, etc. shouldbecomeapartof thecountry,society, etc. in which theylive:
He was anardentassimilationist.
They were assimilationists, butremainedsensitiveto how theprocessofassimilationshouldhappen.
- Assimilationistsbelievethatculturalidentitymust besubmergedfor the good of thecountry.
- Themaincharacterin thenovelisdescribedas an assimilationist.
Supporters, members & defenders
- allyship
- anti-evolution
- anti-evolutionary
- anti-evolutionist
- apologist
- apostle
- booster
- cadre
- defender
- disciple
- new/fresh bloodidiom
- partisan
- protagonist
- recruit
- seconder
- sidekick
- sympathizer
- upholder
- votary
- well-wisher
uk/əˌsɪm.ɪˈleɪ.ʃən.ɪst/us/əˌsɪm.əˈleɪ.ʃən.ɪst/relatingto theideathat differentculturalgroupsorracesin acountry,society, etc. shouldbecomeapartof thecountry,society, etc. in which theylive:
The government's assimilationistpoliciesassumedthat there wouldeventuallybe nodistinctiveindigenousculture.
Onepartoftheirassimilationiststrategywas toparticipateactivelyinpoliticsat alllevels.
- There has been amoveaway from the assimilationistviewsof the past towards a moremulticulturalapproach.
- Shewroteacritiqueof the country's assimilationist andnationalistpolitics.
- Thereportexpressedconcernabout the assimilationistpolicy.
- We have todecidewhether wewantto be an assimilationistsocietyor amulticulturalsociety.
Organizations - joining & leaving
- addition
- anti-assimilation
- assimilation
- assimilative
- assimilatory
- band
- blackball
- enrol
- enrolment
- entrant
- entry
- entryway
- exit
- initiation ceremony
- joiner
- non-joiner
- on the booksidiom
- onto
- overenrolled
- sit