uk/əˈsɪm.ɪ.lə.tɪv/us/əˈsɪm.ə.lə.t̬ɪv/assimilativeadjective(INTO GROUP)
relatingto orcausingassimilation(= theprocessofbecomingapart, or making someonebecomeapartof agroup,country, etc.):
Theyresistedstrongassimilativepressuresfrom thesocietyin which they wereliving.
We need alanguagepolicythat is not assimilative inoutlook.
- Thechildrenfacedassimilativepressuresfromtheirteachersandclassmates.
- Thiscountryhasstrongassimilativepressures, and we need tothinkabout how thisaffectsyoungimmigrants.
Organizations - joining & leaving
- addition
- anti-assimilation
- assimilation
- assimilationist
- assimilatory
- band
- blackball
- enrol
- enrolment
- entrant
- entry
- entryway
- exit
- initiation ceremony
- joiner
- non-joiner
- on the booksidiom
- onto
- overenrolled
- sit
relatingto,causing, orallowingassimilation(= theprocessofabsorbingsomething),especiallyinto alivingorganism:
There is norequirementfornearbyriversandseasto have assimilativecapacityfortheirwastewater.
Theoutsidelayerof theplanthas aprotectiveand assimilativecharacter.
- Thecapacityof theenvironmenttoabsorbassimilativepollutantsissurprisinglylarge.
- Some of thisnutritionalmaterialisabsorbedby the assimilativeprocessesin thedigestivesystem.
- Stress andlossofsleepcanreducethe body's assimilativepowers.
Animal & plant biology - general words
- abiotic
- anatomical
- anatomically correct
- anti-Darwinian
- anti-Darwinism
- biodiversity
- botany
- entomological
- entomologist
- eukaryote
- fight-or-flight
- food chain
- morphology
- poisonous
- recolonization
- recolonize
- regeneration
- regenerative
- restimulate
- zoology