agroupofpeoplein asocietywhoshareparticularqualitiesorwaysofbehavingwhich thatsocietyassociateswith beingmale,female, or anotheridentity:
Ithinkall genders areabletocareforchildrenequally.
Thoseoldfilmsarefullofracialand genderstereotypes.
Theirgoalis toeliminategenderbiasinaccesstosportsforchildren.
Germany'stopcourthasruledthatparliamentmustlegallyrecognizea third gender.
Ourlabiscommittedto genderequalityin thesciencesandpromotesmen and women toseniorpositionsinequalnumbers.
"The gender that youidentifywith isn't always the same asyourbiologicalsex," heexplained.
There can be a lot ofphysicalvariationwithin one gender as well as between genders.
theconditionof being amemberof agroupofpeoplein asocietywhoshareparticularqualitiesorwaysofbehavingwhich thatsocietyassociateswith beingmale,female, or anotheridentity:
Discrimination on thebasisofrace, gender,ageordisabilityis notallowed.基于种族、性别、年龄或残疾的歧视都是不能容许的。
Shefeltthat herdestinyhad beenshapedby her gender.
Thesampleofpeoplequestionedwasdrawnfrom the university'sstudentregisterandgroupedbyageand gender.
I could notfillout theformas I am non-binary and my gender was notlistedamong theoptionsgiven.
See also
gender expression
used to refer to theconditionof beingphysicallymale,female, orintersex(= having abodythat has bothmaleandfemalecharacteristics):
Does thistestshow the gender of thebaby?这种检测能测出胎儿的性别吗?
Forensicscientistscantellthe gender of thevictimfrom theskeleton.
- Some people prefer to use the word "sex" when talking about the physical condition of being male, female, or intersex, and prefer to use the word "gender" only when talking about someone's identity and the group they belong to in society.
- Maleactorswere used toplaycharactersof both genders.
- There is anevengenderratiowithin thecompany.
thegrammaticalarrangementofnouns,pronounsandadjectivesintomasculine,feminine, andneutertypesin somelanguages
性(一些语言将名词、代词和形容词分为阳性、阴性和中性的语法形式)- Gender, ofcourse, isn't anissuein theEnglishlanguage.
- I so often get the genderwrongwhen I'mtryingtospeakFrench.
Linguistics: grammatical terms
- ablative
- apposition
- appositive
- appositively
- attributively
- concord
- demonstrative
- feminine
- intensifier
- nominal
- nominative
- predicatively
- premodifier
- quantifier
- regularity
- singular
- stative
- syntactic
- syntax
- uncountable
Nouns and gender
Most English nouns do not have grammatical gender. Nouns referring to people do not have separate forms for men (male form) and women (female form). However, some nouns traditionally had different forms. Nowadays, people usually prefer more neutral forms.…Gender
Some languages mark words according to whether they are masculine, feminine or neuter. In English, we do not commonly mark nouns according to gender.…gender
uk/ˈdʒen.dər/us/ˈdʒen.dɚ/to give someone or something aparticulargender, or tothinkof something asbelongingto aparticulargender:
Children don't usually gendertheirtoysuntil theyseeadultsdoing it.
Increasingnumbersofyoungpeoplearechoosingto gender themselves, andplayingwith gender can befun.
I do notseewhy we need to genderbabies'clothes.