帮助;协助;援助Thearmyarrivedto assistinthesearch.军队赶到协助搜寻。
You will beexpectedto assist theeditorwiththeselectionofillustrationsfor thebook.希望你能帮助编辑为本书挑选插图。
to help someone
- helpCan I help you get that?
- aidThe project is designed to aid poorer countries.
- assistThe army arrived to assist in the search.
- collaborateWe collaborated on the project.
- cooperateSeveral countries are cooperating in the relief effort.
- benefitThe children have benefited greatly from the new facilities.
assist the police with/in their inquiriesUK
If someone is assisting thepolicewiththeirinquiries, it usuallymeansthey have been taken to thepolicestationto beaskedquestionsabout acrime:
配合警方的询问I havecooperatedfullywith thepoliceand amsimplyassisting them withtheirinquiries.
- Migratingbirdsmake use ofairstreamsto assist them ontheirlongjourneysouth.
- Yasmin assisted in thepreparationof thisarticle.
- Emergencycrews, assisted by thearmy, aresearchingforsurvivors.
- Thedoctorperformedasmalloperationto assist the patient'sbreathing.
- Thephotographerscouldfacechargesofmanslaughterandfailureto assist thevictimsof thecrash.
Helping and co-operating
- a good/bad turnidiom
- abet
- accommodative
- aid
- any port in a stormidiom
- assistance
- avail
- bridge
- carry
- givesomeonea leg upidiom
- give/lendsomeonea helping handidiom
- go a long way toward(s) doingsomethingidiom
- hang
- platform
- share a platformidiom
- solid
- start(something)off
- succour
- supportively
- supportiveness
sportsspecializeduk/əˈsɪst/us/əˈsɪst/inballsports, anoccasionwhen aplayertouchestheballand thisleadsto anotherplayeron the sameteamscoringagoalorpoint:
He has the most assists in the PremierLeaguethisseason.
He set an NBArecordfor most assists by arookie.
General terms used in ball sports
- aggregate score
- back pass
- backspin
- ballplayer
- bend
- blast
- hat trick
- inbounds pass
- indirect free kick
- kicker
- laysomeoneoff
- layoff
- loft
- penalty
- pitch
- spot kick
- square ball
- timeout
- underhand
- underspin