uk/dʒesˈteɪt/us/dʒesˈteɪt/gestateverb[I or T](BABY)
(of afemaleanimal) to have ababydevelopinginside thebodyor (of achildoryounganimal) todevelopinside a mother'sbody:
怀孕,妊娠Femaleelephantsgestate for astaggering22months.母象怀孕期惊人,长达22个月。
healthyfoetusesthat have gestated at least 20weeks妊娠至少20周的健康胎儿
Thosesnakesare oftenfemales,soakingup thesuntohelptheirmetabolismdealwith thedemandof gestating alitterofyoung.构思,酝酿,孕育(计划、思想等)
- Femalesproducemoreeggsthan thenumberofembryosthey areableto gestate toterm.
- Amousegestates in just 19days.
- Do youknowafemaleratcan gestate 21timesayear?
Animal reproduction
- androgen
- anti-oestrogen
- asexuality
- asexually
- barrenness
- calf
- embryology
- fertility
- fertilize
- fetal
- infertile
- procreative
- propagation
- rebreed
- remate
- repopulate
- reproductive
- semen
- spawning ground
- sterility
gestateverb[I or T](IDEA)
(of anidea,thought, orplan) todevelopor bedevelopedovertime:
互联网从五十年代开始就一直在酝酿。Theinternethad been gestating since thefifties.潜意识需要时间来构思工作。
Thesubconsciousmindneedstimeto gestate thework.
- Thisplayhas been gestating over aperiodoftime.
- Ideasseemto gestatebestin avoid.
- Theproblemsfacingthecompanyhave been gestating foryears.
- Otherdealsinvolvingcarmakers are now gestating.
- Newlyricsbeganto gestate in hishead.
Starting and beginning
- be in the first flush ofidiom
- be/get in on the ground flooridiom
- become
- begin
- branch out
- develop
- export
- get down to businessidiom
- grow
- half-cock
- here
- here goes!idiom
- hit the ground runningidiom
- inaugurate
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)
- stuck
- stumble intosomething
- swing into actionidiom
- takesomethingup