释义 |
getverb(OBTAIN)A1[T]toobtain,buy, orearnsomething: 获得,得到;买到;挣得,赢得 He went to theshopto get somemilk.他到那家小店买牛奶去了。 UKIthinkshe gets about £40,000 ayear.我想她一年大约挣4万英镑。 Westoppedon the way to get somebreakfast.我们在路上中途停车吃了点早饭。 Imanagedto get all threesuitcasesforunder $200.我设法以低于200美元的价格把3个手提箱全买下了。 How much did he getforhiscar?(= How muchmoneydid hesellit for?)他的汽车卖了多少钱? Where did you getyourshoesfrom?你的鞋在哪儿买的? Synonymsacquire getholdofinformal obtain(GET)formal Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto buy something - buyI need to buy some new shoes.
- getI need to go to the supermarket and get some bread.
- purchaseShe purchased a new computer.
- pick something upCan you just pop in the shop and pick up some eggs?
See more results » A1[T]toreceiveor be given something: 收到;得到;接到 UKI gotquiteasurprisewhen Isawher withshorthair.我看到她剪了短发感到很诧异。 When did you get thenewsaboutSam?你是什么时候得到关于萨姆的消息的? I got aphonecallfromPhil lastnight.我昨晚接到菲尔的一个电话。 Whatgradedid he get for theexam?这次考试他得了多少分? I got theimpressionthat they'dratherbealone.我感觉他们宁愿不要别人陪伴。 What did you getforyourbirthday?你生日收到了什么礼物? We don't get muchsnow(= it does not oftensnow)here.我们这儿不大下雪。 Imanagedto get aglimpseof him(=seehim for amoment)through thecrowds.我从人群的缝隙中看了他一眼。 If you get amoment(= havetimeavailable), could youhelpmefillin thatform?你要是有时间的话,能不能帮我填那张表? She gets suchpleasurefromhergarden.她从她的花园中得到很多乐趣。 If you can get sometimeoffwork, we couldfinishthedecorating.如果你能从工作中抽出一点时间,我们就可以把装修的活儿干完。 I can never get hertomyself(= bealonewith her)because she's alwayssurroundedbypeople.我从来无法和她单独在一起,因为她身边总是有人围着。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto receive or be given something - getI got a new bike for my birthday.
- receiveYou will receive your tickets by email.
- obtainAfter many years of trying, she finally obtained Brazilian citizenship.
- gainYou will improve at the job as you gain experience.
- earnEventually, you will earn the dog's trust.
- achieveShe achieved top marks in the physics exam.
See more results » A2[T]to gosomewhereandbringback someone or something: (去)拿来,取来,叫来 Let me go get myglasses.我去把眼镜拿来。 [+ two objects]Can I get you adrink?我给你端杯饮料,好吗? [T]to take someone or something intoyourpossessionbyforce: 捕获;抓获 Have thepolicegot the man who did ityet?警察已经抓到做这事的人了吗? Yourcatgot abirdthismorning!你的猫今天上午抓住了一只鸟! - Theadvantageofbookingticketsinadvanceis that you getbetterseats.
- Whatclassofdegreedid you get?
- I don'tknowif I can get thecartonight- I'll have toclearit with Mum.
- She gets a 15%commissionon everymachineshesells.
- I got someshoescheapin thesale.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGetting, receiving and accepting - acquire
- acquisition
- awardee
- carve
- carvesomethingout (foryourself)
- draw
- earn
- get out ofsomething
- get/lay/putyourhands onsomeoneidiom
- glom ontosomething/someone
- go tosomeone
- honoree
- pocket
- score
- screwsomethingout ofsomeone
- secure
- seize
- seize on/uponsomething
- snapsomethingup
- snatch
See more results » getverb(REACH)A1[Iusually+ adv/prep,T]toreachorarriveat aparticularplace: 到达 We hadn'tevengot asfaras London when thecarbrokedown.我们连伦敦都没开到汽车就抛了锚。 Whattimedoes henormallygethome(fromwork)?他(下班后)一般什么时候到家? If you gettotherestaurantbefore us, justwaitat thebar.如果你比我们先到饭店,在酒水柜台那儿等就行了。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto arrive at a place - arriveAfter a long day's travel, we finally arrived.
- getWhat time did you get there?
- reachWe won't reach Miami until evening.
- makeWe made it to the airport just in time for our flight.
- get inThe train gets in at 6:40 p.m.
- turn upShe turned up at my house late one night.
See more results » [Iusually+ adv/prep]toreachaparticularstage,condition, ortime: 达到(某个阶段或者时间点);处于(某种状态) Youearnloadsofmoneyif you gettothetopin thatprofession.那种职业你要是升到了高层,会挣很多钱。 It gottoThursdayand she still hadn'theardanynews.都到星期四了,她仍然没有听到任何音信。 informalI'm gettingtothestagenow where I justwantto give up.现在,我几乎到了一心想要放弃的地步。 get far/somewhere/anywhere to makeprogressor toimprove: 有进步;获得进展;有提高She's takingflutelessons, but she really doesn'tseemto be gettinganywherewith it.她正在上长笛班,但是她好像一点进步都没有。 See more- Weenjoyedwonderfulviewswhen we got to thetopof themountain.
- He wasexhaustedby thetimehe got to thefinishline.
- Yourbagswill bewaitingfor you when you get to thehotel.
- Theaidwas getting to thepeoplewhoneededit most.
- She's beentryinghard, but she doesn'tfeelthat she's gettinganywhere.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesArriving, entering and invading - annex
- annexation
- be on the sceneidiom
- been
- break
- breaksomeonein
- hit
- interloper
- intrude
- intrusion
- invade
- jump
- jump the queueidiom
- roll up!idiom
- scene
- set foot insomewhereidiom
- show up
- trespass
- turn
- turn out
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: getverb(BECOME ILL WITH)B1[T]tobecomeillwith adisease,virus, etc.: 感染上;患上;得(病) I gotfoodpoisoningat thatcheaplittleseafoodrestaurant.我在那家廉价的小海鲜馆就餐后食物中毒了。 Kids get allkindsofbugsatschool.孩子们在学校里会得各种小毛病。 - You can get verynastyskindiseasesfrombathingindirtywater.
- I got acrickin myneckfrompaintingtheceiling.
- UK I can't come in toworktoday - I've got abitof adodgystomach.
- She's got anastydoseofflu.
- When I've got acold, I don'tfeellikeeating.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBeing & falling ill - acquire
- be a martyr tosomethingidiom
- be green around the gillsidiom
- be hangingidiom
- be laid upidiom
- be out of sortsidiom
- bring
- KO
- martyr
- not a hundred percentidiom
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- predisposed
- present
- relapse
- serious
- shiver
- sicken
- strike
- succumb
See more results » getverb(START TO BE)B1[L]tobecomeorstartto be: 变成;变得 He gets reallyupsetif youmentionhisbaldness.你要是提他谢顶的事儿,他就会很生气。 Isyourcoldgetting anybetter?你感冒好点儿了吗? Yourcoffee's gettingcold.你的咖啡要凉掉了。 After a while you get used to all thenoise.过一会儿你就会习惯这些噪音了。 You're getting to be such abigboy, aren't you!你长成个大男孩了,是不是! [+ to infinitive]How did you gettobe abellydancer?你是怎么成为一个肚皮舞演员的? Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto become - becomeMy arm was becoming more and more painful.
- getIt’s getting dark now.
- growTempers had been growing more and more frayed during the evening.
- goMy hair is going white.
- turnThe sky turned black.
See more results » get going/movingC2informal tostartto go ormove: 开始走;开始动身We'dbettergetmovingor we'll be late.我们最好开始动身,不然就要晚了。 See more- He gotfedup with all thetravellinghe had to do.
- Thetroublewith thiscarpetis that it getsdirtyveryeasily.
- Youressaygets abitconfusedhalfwaythrough when youintroducetoo manyideasatonce.
- Themusicjust getsdistortedwhen youplayit soloud.
- It was gettingdarknow and we weretired.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStarting and beginning - be in the first flush ofidiom
- be/get in on the ground flooridiom
- become
- begin
- branch out
- develop
- get down to businessidiom
- grow
- half-cock
- here
- here goes!idiom
- hit the ground runningidiom
- motion
- stirring
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)
- stuck
- stumble intosomething
- swing into actionidiom
- the ground floor
See more results » getverb(CAUSE)B1[T]tocausesomething tohappen, orcausesomeone or something to do something: 促使;使得;把…弄得 [+ adj]She had to get thekidsreadyforschool.她得帮孩子们收拾妥当好去上学。 [+ past participle]I'mtryingto get thisarticlefinishedbyThursday.我正在努力赶这篇文章,好在星期四交。 We getourgroceriesdelivered.我们让人把买的货送过来。 [+ -ing verb]Were youableto get thecopymachineworking?你能把复印机弄好吗? [+ to infinitive]I can't get mycomputertowork!我的电脑没法用了! B2[T+ obj + to infinitive]topersuadesomeone to do something: 说服(某人做某事) Why don't you get Nicoletocome to theparty?你为什么不劝妮科尔一起来参加聚会? [T+ past participle]to do something to something or someone withoutintendingto or byaccident: (无意间或意外地)做;被弄得 He got hisbagcaughtin thetraindoorsas they wereclosing.火车门关闭时把他的包给卡在了门缝里。 I always get the twoyoungestsisters'namesconfused.我总是弄混那两个最小的姐妹的名字。 - Theseargumentsalways get myadrenalingoing.
- I've beenrunninground incirclestryingto get all thereportsfinishedbefore themeeting.
- Can you get thiscorkto come out of thebottle?
- "Do youthinkyou could get thisparcelmailedfor me,please?" "Consider it done."
- Thelawhascriminalizedprostitutionbut not gotridof it.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCausing things to happen - -induced
- activate
- activation
- actuation
- agent
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- implementation
- in
- inaugurate
- inauguration
- pioneer
- reactivate
- realization
- realize
- reattribute
- reawaken
- render
- spark
- spell
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Causing somebody to act Urging & persuading Not expected or planned getverb(BE)B1[L+ past participle]sometimes usedinsteadof "be" toformthepassive: (有时代替 be 构成被动形式)变成,变得,被 I gotshoutedat by someidiotforwalkingpast hishouse.一个白痴嫌我从他家门口走过去,冲我大喊大叫。 They're getting marriedlaterthisyear.他们将在今年晚些时候结婚。 Thiswindowgotbroken.这扇窗户被打破了。 - HeconvertedtoCatholicismwhen he gotmarried.
- I gotchuckedout of theexamforcribbingfrom theguyinfront.
- Mydressgot allcrushedin mysuitcase.
- FormonthsI've beendiningout on thestoryof whathappenedwhen myhousegotflooded.
- Are you gettingexcitedaboutyourholiday?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStarting and beginning - be in the first flush ofidiom
- be/get in on the ground flooridiom
- become
- begin
- branch out
- develop
- get down to businessidiom
- grow
- half-cock
- here
- here goes!idiom
- hit the ground runningidiom
- motion
- stirring
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)
- stuck
- stumble intosomething
- swing into actionidiom
- the ground floor
See more results » getverb(MOVE)B1[Iusually+ adv/prep]tomoveto a differentplaceor into a differentposition: 移动,去 Ihitmyheadas I was gettingintothecar.我钻进汽车时碰了头。 Getout ofhere now or I'llcallthepolice.你现在从这儿出去,不然我要叫警察了。 Thebedis toowide- we'll never get it through thedoor.这张床太宽了——我们不可能把它搬进门去。 Gettinguptheladderwaseasyenough - it was coming down that was theproblem.上梯子很容易——难就难在怎样下来。 He gotdownon hiskneesandaskedme tomarryhim!他跪下来向我求婚! - Journalists hadinsistedon getting to thefrontlineof thebattle,heedlessof therisks.
- Securitydid notpreventaninterloperfrom getting onto thestageat theopeningceremony.
- You get into thebuildingthrough asidedoor.
- Itriedto get in thecinemalastnightbut it wasfull.
- They got into thecarandzoomedoff.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral words for movement - betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- gangway
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- movement
- pass
- round
- scoot
- seethe
- shove
- slip
See more results » getverb(TRAVEL)A1[T]totravelsomewherein atrain,bus, or othervehicle: 搭乘,乘坐 Shall we get ataxito thestation?我们打的去车站吧? - It was a goodjobI got theearliertrain.
- You can get abusfrom justoutsidethesupermarket.
- It'll be moreexpensiveif you get ataxi.
- It was too late to get abus, so we had towalkhome.
- Get thetrainto King'sCrossand I'llmeetyou at thestation.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBoarding and alighting from modes of transport - alight
- bestride
- board
- climb
- debark
- deplane
- disembark
- disembarkation
- dismount
- embark
- embarkation
- entrain
- get off
- get on
- get out
- hop
- mount
- reboard
- settle
- straddle
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: getverb(DEAL WITH)B1[T]todealwith oransweraringingphone,knockon thedoor, etc.: 接(电话);应(门) Hey, Ty, someone's at thedoor- would you get it,please?哎,泰,有人敲门,去开一下好不好? - Pass me thebill. I'll get it.
- Will youpleaseget thephone?
- That's thedoorbell. You'dbetterget it.
- If thephoneringswhen I'm in theshower, will you get itplease?
- If you get thedrinks, I'llpayfor themeal.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDealing with things or people - attend tosomeone/something
- be all over itidiom
- beard the lion (inhis/herden)idiom
- bed
- come/get to grips withsomethingidiom
- cut
- fire
- have it out withsomeoneidiom
- hold onidiom
- I/I've got thisidiom
- ill-prepared
- jump-start
- overcome
- square
- tough
- toughsomethingout
- turn tosomeone/something
- unprocessed
- weather
- weather the stormidiom
See more results » getverb(HAVE CHANCE)B2[I+ to infinitive]to have thechanceto do something: 有机会(做…);得到(做…的)机会 I never gettoseeher now that sheworkssomewhereelse.我再也没见到过她,因为她现在在别处工作。 - Did you get tovisityourunclewhen you were in Canada?
- We never got totestdrivethecarbefore weboughtit.
- They got toplayin thesandpitwhile theadultswereshopping.
- Who gets to have the lastpieceofchocolatecake?
- We don't often get tospendtheweekendtogether.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOpportunity - another/a second bite at/of the cherryidiom
- be in with a shoutidiom
- best betidiom
- bite
- break
- foot
- half
- hay
- headroom
- it's now or neveridiom
- last chance saloon
- look in
- pass
- platform
- scope
- shop window
- smell bloodidiom
- sneak peek
- the American dream
- there are plenty more fish in the seaidiom
See more results » getverb(UNDERSTAND/HEAR)B2[T]tounderstandorhearsomething: 懂,理解;听见 I didn't get what he said because themusicwas soloud.音乐声太大了,我听不见他说什么。 I told thatjoketo Sophia, but she didn't get it.我跟索菲娅讲了那个笑话,可她没有听懂。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto understand something - understandI understand why he did that.
- comprehendHe doesn't seem to comprehend the scale of the problem.
- get the pictureOK. Don't say any more. I get the picture.
- followIt was so complicated I couldn't follow what he was saying.
- graspI think I grasped the main points of the lecture.
- digestThis chapter is so difficult to digest. I'll have to read it again later.
See more results » - I didn't get thatjokehe told - did you?
- Sorry, I still don't get it. You'll have toexplain.
- I didn't get that. Could you say it again?
- I didn't gethalfof what he said because hetalkssofast.
- Did you get that? I hadn't acluewhat he said.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUnderstanding and comprehending - apprehend
- apprehensible
- apprehension
- astutely
- atyourfingertipsidiom
- connection
- figure
- hold
- keenness
- keepsomeoneup
- know a hawk from a handsawidiom
- know the scoreidiom
- know/see wheresomeoneis coming fromidiom
- scale
- uncomprehending
- uncomprehendingly
- understanding
- voice recognition
- wake up tosomething
- wisdom
See more results » getverb(PREPARE)[T]toprepareameal: 准备,做(饭) I'll put thekidstobedwhile you're gettingdinnerready.你做饭,我哄孩子们上床睡觉。 - IthoughtI couldscoresomebrowniepointswith mymother-in-lawbyofferingto getdinner.
- I'll do themaincourse, if you get thesalad.
- She was already up gettingbreakfastwhen I camedownstairs.
- I'llcookthisevening, you gotdinnerlastnight.
- He justsatinfrontof the TV while I was getting thedinner.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPreparing food - batch cooking
- biga
- bind
- boil
- butter
- buttered
- can't boil an eggidiom
- clarify
- glaze
- glazed
- grate
- ingredient
- jerk
- purée
- re-season
- recipe
- rehydrate
- restuff
- toss
- zap
See more results » getverb(PAY)[IorT]topayfor something: 为…付钱;买 Putyourmoneyaway - I'll get thesedrinks.把你的钱收起来——这些饮料我付钱。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPaying money - advance
- ante up (something)
- balance
- burn a hole insomeone'spocketidiom
- chargeable
- co-finance
- compensate
- congestion charge
- cost-cutting
- cough
- lash
- pay top dollaridiom
- ransom
- settle up
- shortchange
- sink intosomething
- spender
- splash out(something)
- spring forsomething
- stump
See more results » getverb(CONFUSE)[T]informaltoconfusesomeone and make themcompletelyunabletounderstandorexplain: 使困惑;把…难住 Give him atechnicalquestion- that'll really get him!问他个技术性问题——肯定会把他难住! you've got me there!informal something that you say when you do notknowtheanswerto aquestion: 你把我难住了!我答不上来!"How manyouncesin akilo?" "You've got me there."“一公斤合多少盎司?”“你真把我难住了。” See moreSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPuzzle and confuse - addle
- baffle
- bedazzle
- befuddle
- bemuse
- blind
- discombobulate
- disorientate
- dosomeone'shead inidiom
- flummox
- fuddle
- loop
- puzzle
- ravel
- search
- throw
- throw(someone)a curve (ball)idiom
- throwsomeoneoff balanceidiom
- tie
- tiesomeone(up) in knotsidiom
See more results » getverb(ANNOY)[T]informaltoannoysomeone: 使烦恼,使恼火 Itreally gets to me the way we'reexpectedtoactuallylaughat hispatheticjokes!他讲那种蹩脚笑话,还非得要我们笑,可真让我受不了! SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCausing feelings of anger and displeasure - aggravate
- aggrieve
- alienate
- anger
- annoy
- bend
- get upsomeone'snoseidiom
- givesomeonethe shitsidiom
- go too faridiom
- goat
- grate
- joke
- nark
- rub
- rubsomeoneup the wrong wayidiom
- ruffle
- rufflesomeone'sfeathersidiom
- setsomeone'steeth on edgeidiom
- tit
- troll
See more results » getverb(EMOTION)[T]informalto make someonefeelstronglyemotionaland oftencry: 使激动,使感动 Thatpartin thefilmwhen hefindsout that hisdaughterisalive- that always gets me!电影中他发现自己的女儿还活着的那个情景——我一看到那儿就好感动! Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto cry - cryShe skinned her knee and began to cry.
- weepMy lady, why do you weep?
- cry your eyes outOur children cried their eyes out when our dog ran way.
- sob your heart outShe waved goodbye to her parents, then went to the gate and sobbed her heart out.
- cry bucketsEvery time I watch that film, I just cry buckets at the ending.
- bawlI bawled when I found out I didn't win the prize.
See more results » SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMaking people sad, shocked and upset - aback
- amiss
- appal
- be laughing on the other side ofyourfaceidiom
- bite
- bum
- gnaw
- haunt
- heartbreaker
- heartbreakingly
- hit/touch a (raw) nerveidiom
- nerve
- screw(something)up
- sensitivity
- shakesomeoneout ofsomething
- shakesomeoneup
- shake/rocksomethingtoitsfoundationsidiom
- shattering
- tear
- toxic
See more results » getverb(HIT)[T]tohitsomeone,especiallywith abulletor somethingthrown: (尤指子弹或投掷的东西)击中,打中 Thebulletgot her in theleg.子弹击中了她的腿。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDetonation & bombardment - air raid
- airstrike
- blanket bombing
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- direct hit
- dive-bomb
- drone strike
- firebomb
- firebombing
- go off
- prime
- saturation bombing
- shell
- shelling
- shoot
- shootsomethingdown
- shooting
- strafe
- strike
See more results » GrammarGet Get is an irregular verb. Its three parts are get, got, got. In American English, the -ed form gotten is common.… Getmeaning ‘fetch’, ‘receive’, ‘obtain’ We commonly use get + object or get + indirect object + direct object when we mean, very generally, ‘fetch’ or ‘receive’ or ‘obtain’. In these examples the object is underlined:… Getmeaning ‘become’ We commonly use get + adjective to mean ‘become’ or to describe a change of state or situation:… Getdescribing negative events We can use get + -ed form to describe things that happen to us, often things which are unfortunate and which we don’t want to happen. We call this pattern the get passive:… Getmeaning ‘cause something to happen’ When we use get + object (o) + -ed form, we say that we cause something to happen or to be done. It is a less formal way of saying have something done:… Getorgo? Get and go have similar meanings, when talking about travel or motion. When we use get, we emphasise arrival:… Getpassive We form the standard passive with be + -ed form. We form the get passive with get + -ed form:… Idiomsget away with murder gethim, her, you, etc.! get it on get it together get what's coming toyou I/I've got this you/you've got this Phrasal verbsgetsomethingacross get ahead get along get around get around (somewhere) get aroundsomething get around tosomething get atsomeone get atsomething get away get away withsomething get back getsomeoneback getsomethingback get back tosomeone get back tosomething get behind get beyondsomething get by getsomeonedown getsomethingdown getsomethingdown(someone) get down tosomething get in get in/get intosomething getsomethingin getsomeonein get in onsomething get intosomeone get intosomething get(someone)intosomething get off get off(something) getsomethingoff get(someone)off get(someone)off(something) getsomethingoff(something) get off onsomething get off withsomeone get on get on(something) get on to/ontosomething get on withsomething get out get(someone/something)out get out ofsomething getsomethingout ofsomething getsomethingout ofsomeone get oversomething/someone getsomethingover with get pastsomeone get pastsomething get round(somewhere) get roundsomeone get roundsomething get round tosomething get through get throughsomething get(someone)throughsomething get (something) through (tosomeone) get to get tosomeone get together get up get(someone)up getsomethingup getyourself/someoneup get up tosomething gethim, her, you, etc.!idiominformalUK(USget a load of him, her, you, etc.)said to make thepersonyou are withlookat ornoticesomeone, and usuallylaughat them: Get him in his newclothes! SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUsing the eyes - accommodate
- accommodation
- all eyes are onsomeone/somethingidiom
- astigmatic
- beholder
- butcher
- corner
- fix
- gaze
- glare
- glass
- lookout
- perceive
- scope
- seesomethingwithyourown eyesidiom
- seeing is believingidiom
- shoot a glance atsomeoneidiom
- spot
- stand oversomeone
- tab
See more results » (Definition ofgetfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)getverb(OBTAIN)A1[T]toobtain,buy, orearnsomething 获得,得到;买到;挣得,赢得He went to theshopto get somemilk.他到那家小店买牛奶去了。 UKIthinkshe gets about £40,000 ayear.我想她一年大约挣4万英镑。 Westoppedon the way to get somebreakfast.我们在路上中途停车吃了点早饭。 Imanagedto get all threesuitcasesforunder $200.我设法以低于200美元的价格把3个手提箱全买下了。 How much did he getforhiscar?(= How muchmoneydid hesellit for?)他的汽车卖了多少钱? Where did you getyourshoesfrom?你的鞋在哪儿买的? A1[T]toreceiveor be given something 收到;得到;接到UKI gotquiteasurprisewhen Isawher withshorthair.我看到她剪了短发感到很诧异。 When did you get thenewsabout Sam?你是什么时候得到关于萨姆的消息的? I got aphonecallfromPhil lastnight.我昨晚接到菲尔的一个电话。 Whatgradedid he get for theexam?这次考试他得了多少分? I got theimpressionthat they'dratherbealone.我感觉他们宁愿不要别人陪伴。 What did you getforyourbirthday?你生日收到了什么礼物? We don't get muchsnow(= it does not oftensnow)here.我们这儿不大下雪。 Imanagedto get aglimpseof him(=seehim for amoment)through thecrowds.我从人群的缝隙中看了他一眼。 If you get amoment(= havetimeavailable), could youhelpmefillin thatform?你要是有时间的话,能不能帮我填那张表? She gets suchpleasurefromhergarden.她从她的花园中得到很多乐趣。 If you can get sometimeoffwork, we couldfinishthedecorating.如果你能从工作中抽出一点时间,我们就可以把装修的活儿干完。 I can never get hertomyself(= bealonewith her)because she's alwayssurroundedbypeople.我从来无法和她单独在一起,因为她身边总是有人围着。 A2[T]to gosomewhereandbringback someone or something (去)拿来,取来,叫来Let me go get myglasses.我去把眼镜拿来。 [+ two objects]Can I get you adrink?我给你端杯饮料,好吗? [T]to take someone or something intoyourpossessionbyforce 捕获;抓获Have thepolicegot the man who did ityet?警察已经抓到做这事的人了吗? Yourcatgot abirdthismorning!你的猫今天上午抓住了一只鸟! - Theadvantageofbookingticketsinadvanceis that you getbetterseats.
- Whatclassofdegreedid you get?
- I don'tknowif I can get thecartonight- I'll have toclearit with Mum.
- She gets a 15%commissionon everymachineshesells.
- I got someshoescheapin thesale.
getverb(REACH)A1[Iusually+ adv/prep,T]toreachorarriveat aparticularplace 到达We hadn'tevengot asfaras London when thecarbrokedown.我们连伦敦都没开到汽车就抛了锚。 Whattimedoes henormallygethome(fromwork)?他(下班后)一般什么时候到家? If you gettotherestaurantbefore us, justwaitat thebar.如果你比我们先到饭店,在酒水柜台那儿等就行了。 [Iusually+ adv/prep]toreachaparticularstage,condition, ortime 达到(某个阶段或者时间点);处于(某种状态)Youearnloadsofmoneyif you gettothetopin thatprofession.那种职业你要是升到了高层,会挣很多钱。 It gottoThursdayand she still hadn'theardanynews.都到星期四了,她仍然没有听到任何音信。 informalI'm gettingtothestagenow where I justwantto give up.现在,我几乎到了一心想要放弃的地步。 get far/somewhere/anywhere to makeprogressor toimprove 有进步;获得进展;有提高She's takingflutelessons, but she really doesn'tseemto be gettinganywherewith it.她正在上长笛班,但是她好像一点进步都没有。 It's been hardsettlingin, but Ifeellike I'm gettingsomewhereat last.适应的过程非常艰难,但我觉得最终还是有所进步。 - Weenjoyedwonderfulviewswhen we got to thetopof themountain.
- He wasexhaustedby thetimehe got to thefinishline.
- Yourbagswill bewaitingfor you when you get to thehotel.
- Theaidwas getting to thepeoplewhoneededit most.
- She's beentryinghard, but she doesn'tfeelthat she's gettinganywhere.
getverb(BECOME ILL WITH)B1[T]tobecomeillwith adisease,virus, etc. 感染上;患上;得(病)I gotfoodpoisoningat thatcheaplittleseafoodrestaurant.我在那家廉价的小海鲜馆就餐后食物中毒了。 Kids get allkindsofbugsatschool.孩子们在学校里会得各种小毛病。 - You can get verynastyskindiseasesfrombathingindirtywater.
- I got acrickin myneckfrompaintingtheceiling.
- I can't come in toworktoday - I've got abitof adodgystomach.
- She's got anastydoseofflu.
- When I've got acold, I don'tfeellikeeating.
getverb(START TO BE)B1[L]tobecomeorstartto be 变成;变得He gets reallyupsetif youmentionhis baldness.你要是提他谢顶的事儿,他就会很生气。 Isyourcoldgetting anybetter?你感冒好点儿了吗? Your coffee's gettingcold.你的咖啡要凉掉了。 After a while you get used to all thenoise.过一会儿你就会习惯这些噪音了。 You're getting to be such abigboy, aren't you!你长成个大男孩了,是不是! [+ to infinitive]How did you gettobe abellydancer?你是怎么成为一个肚皮舞演员的? get going/movingC2informal 开始走;开始动身We'dbettergetmovingor we'll be late.我们最好开始动身,不然就要晚了。 - He gotfedup with all thetravellinghe had to do.
- Thetroublewith thiscarpetis that it getsdirtyveryeasily.
- Youressaygets abitconfusedhalfwaythrough when youintroducetoo manyideasatonce.
- Themusicjust getsdistortedwhen youplayit soloud.
- It was gettingdarknow and we weretired.
getverb(CAUSE)B1[T]tocausesomething tohappen, orcausesomeone or something to do something 促使;使得;把…弄得[+ adj]She had to get thekidsreadyforschool.她得帮孩子们收拾妥当好去上学。 [+ past participle]I'mtryingto get thisarticlefinishedbyThursday.我正在努力赶这篇文章,好在星期四交。 We getourgroceriesdelivered.我们让人把买的货送过来。 [+ -ing verb]Were youableto get thecopymachineworking?你能把复印机弄好吗? [+ to infinitive]I can't get mycomputertowork!我的电脑没法用了! B2[T+ obj + to infinitive]topersuadesomeone to do something 说服(某人做某事)Why don't you get Nicoletocome to theparty?你为什么不劝妮科尔一起来参加聚会? [T+ past participle]to do something to something or someone withoutintendingto or byaccident (无意间或意外地)做;被弄得He got hisbagcaughtin thetraindoorsas they wereclosing.火车门关闭时把他的包给卡在了门缝里。 I always get the twoyoungestsisters'namesconfused.我总是弄混那两个最小的姐妹的名字。 - Theseargumentsalways get myadrenalingoing.
- I've beenrunninground incirclestryingto get all thereportsfinishedbefore themeeting.
- Can you get thiscorkto come out of thebottle?
- "Do youthinkyou could get thisparcelmailedfor me,please?" "Consider it done."
- Thelawhascriminalizedprostitutionbut not gotridof it.
getverb(BE)B1[L+ past participle]sometimes usedinsteadof "be" toformthepassive (有时代替 be 构成被动形式)变成,变得,被I gotshoutedat by someidiotforwalkingpast hishouse.一个白痴嫌我从他家门口走过去,冲我大喊大叫。 They're getting marriedlaterthisyear.他们将在今年晚些时候结婚。 Thiswindowgotbroken.这扇窗户被打破了。 - HeconvertedtoCatholicismwhen he gotmarried.
- I gotchuckedout of theexamforcribbingfrom theguyinfront.
- Mydressgot allcrushedin mysuitcase.
- FormonthsI've beendiningout on thestoryof whathappenedwhen myhousegotflooded.
- Are you gettingexcitedaboutyourholiday?
getverb(MOVE)B1[Iusually+ adv/prep]tomoveto a differentplaceor into a differentposition 移动,去Ihitmyheadas I was gettingintothecar.我钻进汽车时碰了头。 Getout ofhere now or I'llcallthepolice.你现在从这儿出去,不然我要叫警察了。 Thebedis toowide- we'll never get it through thedoor.这张床太宽了——我们不可能把它搬进门去。 Gettinguptheladderwaseasyenough - it was coming down that was theproblem.上梯子很容易——难就难在怎样下来。 He gotdownon hiskneesandaskedme tomarryhim!他跪下来向我求婚! - Journalists hadinsistedon getting to thefrontlineof thebattle,heedlessof therisks.
- Security did notpreventaninterloperfrom getting onto thestageat theopeningceremony.
- You get into thebuildingthrough asidedoor.
- Itriedto get in thecinemalastnightbut it wasfull.
- They got into thecarandzoomedoff.
getverb(TRAVEL)A1[T]totravelsomewherein atrain,bus, or othervehicle 搭乘,乘坐Shall we get ataxito thestation?我们打的去车站吧? - It was a goodjobI got theearliertrain.
- You can get abusfrom justoutsidethesupermarket.
- It'll be moreexpensiveif you get ataxi.
- It was too late to get abus, so we had towalkhome.
- Get thetrainto King's Cross and I'llmeetyou at thestation.
getverb(DEAL WITH)B1[T]todealwith oransweraringingphone,knockon thedoor, etc. 接(电话);应(门)Hey, Ty, someone's at thedoor- would you get it,please?哎,泰,有人敲门,去开一下好不好? - Pass me thebill. I'll get it.
- Will youpleaseget thephone?
- That's thedoorbell. You'dbetterget it.
- If thephoneringswhen I'm in theshower, will you get itplease?
- If you get thedrinks, I'llpayfor themeal.
getverb(HAVE CHANCE)B2[I+ to infinitive]to have thechanceto do something 有机会(做…);得到(做…的)机会I never gettoseeher now that sheworkssomewhereelse.我再也没见到过她,因为她现在在别处工作。 - Did you get tovisityourunclewhen you were in Canada?
- We never got totestdrivethecarbefore weboughtit.
- They got toplayin thesandpitwhile theadultswereshopping.
- Who gets to have the lastpieceofchocolatecake?
- We don't often get tospendtheweekendtogether.
getverb(UNDERSTAND/HEAR)B2[T]tounderstandorhearsomething 懂,理解;听见I didn't get what he said because themusicwas soloud.音乐声太大了,我听不见他说什么。 I told thatjoketo Sophia, but she didn't get it.我跟索菲娅讲了那个笑话,可她没有听懂。 - I didn't get thatjokehe told - did you?
- Sorry, I still don't get it. You'll have toexplain.
- I didn't get that. Could you say it again?
- I didn't gethalfof what he said because hetalkssofast.
- Did you get that? I hadn't acluewhat he said.
getverb(PREPARE)准备,做(饭)I'll put thekidstobedwhile you're gettingdinnerready.你做饭,我哄孩子们上床睡觉。 - IthoughtI couldscoresomebrowniepointswith mymother-in-lawbyofferingto getdinner.
- I'll do themaincourse, if you get thesalad.
- She was already up gettingbreakfastwhen I camedownstairs.
- I'llcookthisevening, you gotdinnerlastnight.
- He justsatinfrontof the TV while I was getting thedinner.
getverb(PAY)为…付钱;买Putyourmoneyaway - I'll get thesedrinks.把你的钱收起来——这些饮料我付钱。 getverb(CONFUSE)[T]informaltoconfusesomeone and make themcompletelyunabletounderstandorexplain 使困惑;把…难住Give him atechnicalquestion- that'll really get him!问他个技术性问题——肯定会把他难住! you've got me there!informal something that you say when you do notknowtheanswerto aquestion 你把我难住了!我答不上来!"How manyouncesin akilo?" "You've got me there."“一公斤合多少盎司?”“你真把我难住了。” getverb(ANNOY)[T]informaltoannoysomeone 使烦恼,使恼火Itreally gets to me the way we'reexpectedtoactuallylaughat hispatheticjokes!他讲那种蹩脚笑话,还非得要我们笑,可真让我受不了! getverb(EMOTION)[T]informalto make someonefeelstronglyemotionaland oftencry 使激动,使感动Thatpartin thefilmwhen hefindsout that hisdaughterisalive- that always gets me!电影中他发现自己的女儿还活着的那个情景——我一看到那儿就好感动! getverb(HIT)[T]tohitsomeone,especiallywith abulletor somethingthrown (尤指子弹或投掷的东西)击中,打中Thebulletgot her in theleg.子弹击中了她的腿。 GrammarGet Get is an irregular verb. Its three parts are get, got, got. In American English, the -ed form gotten is common.… Getmeaning ‘fetch’, ‘receive’, ‘obtain’ We commonly use get + object or get + indirect object + direct object when we mean, very generally, ‘fetch’ or ‘receive’ or ‘obtain’. In these examples the object is underlined:… Getmeaning ‘become’ We commonly use get + adjective to mean ‘become’ or to describe a change of state or situation:… Getdescribing negative events We can use get + -ed form to describe things that happen to us, often things which are unfortunate and which we don’t want to happen. We call this pattern the get passive:… Getmeaning ‘cause something to happen’ When we use get + object (o) + -ed form, we say that we cause something to happen or to be done. It is a less formal way of saying have something done:… Getorgo? Get and go have similar meanings, when talking about travel or motion. When we use get, we emphasise arrival:… Getpassive We form the standard passive with be + -ed form. We form the get passive with get + -ed form:… Idiomsget away with murder gethim, her, you, etc.! get it on get it together Phrasal verbsgetsthacross get ahead get along get around get around (somewhere) get around tosth get atsb get atsth get away get away withsth get back getsbback getsthback get back tosb get back tosth get behind get by getsbdown getsthdown getsthdown(sb) get down tosth get in get in/get intosth getsthin getsbin get in onsth get intosb get intosth get(sb)intosth get off get off(sth) getsthoff get(sb)off get(sb)off(sth) getsthoff(sth) get off onsth get off withsb get on get on(sth) get on to/ontosth get on withsth get out get(sb/sth)out get out ofsth getsthout ofsth getsthout ofsb get oversth/sb getsthover with get round(somewhere) get roundsb get roundsth get through get throughsth get(sb)throughsth get (sth) through (tosb) get to get tosb get together get up get(sb)up getsthup getyourself/sbup get up tosth getverb(OBTAIN)[T]to take something intoyourpossession, or have somethinghappenthat youacceptorreceive: Heclimbedover thefenceto get hisballback. Moniqueraisedherhandto get the teacher’sattention. Can I get you adrink? Dadkeepstellingme to get ajob. What did you get on thetest(= Whatmarkdid youreceive)? Ithinkshe gets(=earns)about $10 anhour. We don’t get muchsnowin thispartof thecountry(= It does not oftensnow). [T]To get something oftenmeanstobuyorpayfor it: He went to thestoreto getmilk. getverb(BECOME)Yourcoffeeis gettingcold. He’s gotten sobig, Ihardlyrecognizedhim. They’re gettingmarriedlaterthisyear. Tomgotlostin thewoods. Whattimedo you get offwork? We’dbetterget going/movingor we’ll be late. getverb(BECOME ILL WITH)[T]tobecomeillwith adisease: Everyoneseemsto be getting theflu. getverb(CAUSE)[T]tocausesomething to be done orpersuadesomeone to do something: Thebedis toowide– we’ll never get it through thedoor. I can’t get thisprintertowork! getverb(PREPARE)Why don’t you getsupperready? getverb(MOVE)[always+ adv/prep]tomovein aparticulardirection: [I]Get away from thatwetpaint! [I]He got down on hishandsandkneestolookfor hiscontactlens. [T]Herthroatwas sosorethat she hadtroublegetting themedicinedown(=swallowingit). [I]Ihitmyheadas I was getting into thecar. [M]Momma said we have to get thesewetclothesoff(=removethem). [T]Getyourfeetoff thecouch(=movethem off it). [always+ adv/prep]To get off aroadwhen you aredrivingmeanstoturnonto anotherroad: [I]Get off theexpresswayatexit43. [always+ adv/prep]To get off atrain,bus, oraircraftis toleaveit: [I]Get off atUnionStation. getverb(TRAVEL)[T]to go into avehicleoraircraftfortraveling: We couldcallfor ataxior get thebus. getverb(ARRIVE)[Ialways+ adv/prep]toarriveat aplaceorreachastagein aprocess: We only got asfarasDenverwhen thecarbrokedown. Whattimedoes henormallygethomefromwork? We’re not getting veryfar(= notadvancing)with thiscomputerprogram, are we? getverb(UNDERSTAND)IthinkI got thegeneralideaof thechapter. Themusicwasloudand I didn’t get what he said. I never said he wasmean– you’ve got it allwrong(= you areconfusedabout thismatter). getverb(CALCULATE)[T]tocalculatetheanswerto amathematicalproblem: What do you get if youdivide20 by 4? getverb(ANSWER)[T]toansweraringingtelephone, aknockat thedoor, etc.: Hey, Juan, someone’s at thedoor– would you get it,please? getverb(HIT)[T]tohitsomeone,esp. with somethingthrownor abullet: My firstthrowmissed, but the second got him in theleg. getverb(ANNOY)[T]infmltocausesomeone tofeelslightlyangry: It gets me when I have to bothcookdinnerandcleanthedishes. getverb(CAUSE EMOTIONS)[T]infmlto have anemotionaleffecton someone: Thatscenein themovie, when thefatheranddaughterarereunited, always gets me. Idiomsget a feel forsomething get a grip onyourself get a jump onsomeone/something get a life get a move on get a word in edgewise get even getyourfeet wet getyourgoat get hold ofsomeone get hold ofsomething get inyourhair get in on the act get it get it throughyourthick head get it together get lost getyourmoney’s worth getsomethingoffyourchest get off the ground get onsomeone’snerves getsomethingout ofyoursystem get oversomething get results get rid ofsomeone get rid ofsomething get somewhere get the better ofsomeone get the hang ofsomething get the message get this show on the road get to the bottom ofsomething get underyourskin get underway get up on the wrong side of the bed get wind ofsomething getsomeone'swires crossed getsomeonewrong not get anywhere not get to first base Phrasal verbsget acrosssomething get ahead get along/on get aroundsomething get around(somewhere) get around tosomething get atsomething get atsomething get away get away withsomething get back get backsomething get back atsomeone get back tosomething get back tosomeone get by getsomeonedown get down tosomething get in get in get insomething get insomething get in onsomething get(someone)off get off onsomething get on get on withsomething get out ofsomething get out ofsomething getsomethingout ofsomeone getsomethingout ofsomething get oversomething getsomethingover with get(someone)throughsomething get through getsomethingthrough(something) get(something)through get tosomeone get(someone)together get(someone)up get upsomething (Definition ofgetfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[T]toobtain,buy, orearnsomething: Ithinkshe gets about $40,000 ayear. get sth for sthHow much did he get for hisbusinesswhen hesoldit? [T]toreceiveor be given something: get sth from sb/sthTheresultswe got fromourmarketresearchteamindicatethatpotentialcustomersseemto like the new adcampaign. [I,usually+ adv/prep]toreachaparticularstage,condition, ortime: get to sthYourearningsincreasehugelyif you get to thetopin thelegalprofession. [T]informaltopayfor something: Phrasal verbsget sth across get ahead get away with sth get sth back get back to sb get behind get behind sb/sth get by get down to sth get in on sth get into sth get off get off (sth) or get sb off (sth) get on to/onto sb/sth get on with sth get out (of sth) get sth out get through get sth through (sth) get through sth get (sth) through (to sb) (Definition ofgetfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofgetget I have to fight myself togetthe spelling right.From theCambridge English Corpus My life is as plain as it gets.From theCambridge English Corpus What is the correct cesarean rate and how do wegetthere?From theCambridge English Corpus The point is that / haven't got is not only common but the prevailing construction.From theCambridge English Corpus They now wanted the couple togetmarried.From theCambridge English Corpus This, however, gets a little ahead of the analysis.From theCambridge English Corpus Where to and how will wegetthere?From theCambridge English Corpus We don'tgetto know the man enough.From theCambridge English Corpus These cells alsogettheir input from direct bipolar excitation.From theCambridge English Corpus How does the bodygetinto the mind?From theCambridge English Corpus It has also created a system where getting into politics is a business venture, with business plans and an expected rate of return on investment.From theCambridge English Corpus It was an attempt togethis support for their plans so far as they themselves understood them.From theCambridge English Corpus They might cite the case of baseball teams that know which of their players have contributed without having to know what theygetpaid.From theCambridge English Corpus The participant gets a quick look at the pattern.From theCambridge English Corpus The operator can control the virtual robot in real-time andgetquick feedback without obvious time-delay.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/get## |