get away withsth
—phrasal verbwithgetverbuk/ɡet/us/ɡet/present participlegetting|past tensegot|past participlegotorUSusuallygotten
tosucceedinavoidingpunishmentfor something
If IthoughtI could get away with it, I wouldn'tpaymytaxesat all.如果我认为逃税可以不受处罚的话,我就干脆一分钱都不交了。
- Byjumpingover thebarriers, he got away withoutpayingfor aticket.
- Everyonethinkshe'sguiltyof therobbery, but itlookslike he's going to get away with it.
- It'stimethey put astopto hisbadbehaviour. He's been getting away with it for toolong.
- She'sdeterminedthat herstudentswill not get away withplagiarism.
- That's such anoldtrick. I can'tbelievehe gets away with it.
to do something successfullyalthoughit is not thebestway of doing it
Do youthinkwe could get away with just onecoatofpainton thatwall?你觉得那墙就刷一遍漆能行吗?